Mio Alternate End - Chapter 16 - Shinji_Takamiya (2024)

Chapter Text


Lifting her eyelids. After wiping her tears and support from <Fraxinus>. Reine return to her corridor after learning Ronin's identity.

Laying on her bed, she stared at her room's ceiling as her clock ticks, sounding the time a working woman should awaken. Of course, that was far from Reine's schedule. For the past 30 years; Reine had not slept nor did she required to sleep. Not out of inessential needs, but out of fear of a dreaded nightmare she had feared. That is why she refused to sleep. Instead she would lay around and fight off boredom for the next few hours.

That was; until her date with Shidou. For the first time in 30 years. Reine slept on Shidou's shoulder. Some would assume she could sleep only if Shidou was there.

However, with his absent. Reine had no choice but to resume her normal daily routine until Shidou return. Thats what many assume until a dark brown hair boy named Ronin enter <Fraxinus>.

Nobody would have ever believed it but from Ronin's intercom and her 'daughters' eyes. Reine slept with Ronin in her arms. Many would assume this was a close bond Reine shared after her task as his watcher.

But upon Gojo's reveal; everything made sense to the crew of <Fraxinus>.

".....Shinji.......Just Shinji.......thats all we know."

The foreign boy <Fraxinus> had been cautious. The boy that has aided in their battle against DEM and mending their relationship with Reine Murasame; was Shidou's previous incarnation; Takamiya Shinij.

Now named Ronin. A Quasi-Spirit with no name or memories. Under the risk of entering her phenomenal known as Empty. Ronin was given the name Kei to live and the Unsigned Angel; <Rese> to chase a life. Whether it was his human life or a new life with a new persona.

After Gojo departure, everyone within <Fraxinus> made a vow to aid Reine/Mio to reuniting her lover.

However, amongst the sea of people. One silently left. A spirit Reine recognizes far too long; Kurumi Tokisaki. Despite wiping her tears, Reine recgonizes her friend leaving <Fraxinus> bridge.

Reine was familiar with Kurumi's goal. After all. Kurumi's goal was to force Reine to live. Not out of mercy. But to seperate her from Shinji. Who could say what Kurumi's plan to do after learning Takamiya Shinji was alive.

But Reine could not voiced her concern over the enthuasim in <Fraxinus> bridge.

Entering her corridor. Reine did not sleep nor did she plan to. After she was asked to operate a computer to build a game, it became night time and she returned to her room. Even if she wanted to sleep, she couldn't. Not out of dread from her fearful nightmare. But out of anticipation over her meeting with Ronin.

"Now. Lets begin the day."

Raising her upper body from her bed. Her dark circles remain under her eyes as a sign of her inability to sleep despite being able to.

Entering her corridor's bathroom, Reine begins preparing her daily routine.

In front of <Fraxinus> commander was a view too familiar ever since her assigned role as <Fraxinus> leader.

"So. How is it going?"

Sitting on her commander sit. Kotori question her staffs over their development.

"Its about done. Thanks to Shidou and everyone knowledge, we were able to finish it in just a day."

Standing by her side, vice-commander; Kyouhei Kannazuki reports on their current assignment.

"This is quite new to me. I've never done this kind of game before."

Munechika Nakatsugawa also known as the Dimension Breaker, raise his eyebrows over his assignment. Indeed. As the man who is said to have conquerd over 100 waifus. This was certainly a different task based on his qualification.

"It maybe new but it should be around your skillset."

"No. Uh. My skills aren't in this kind of area."

"It'll do. In any case, its about done."

Crossing her arms. Kotori curved her lips over their accomplishment.

"I didn't expect we would be making this kind of game."

"Right? But its kinda of a nice change of pace. Especially since its aims toward us."

Analyzing their new task. Hinako and Kozue squeal over the project <Fraxinus> has made.

"Well. Its certaintly aimed toward females. But we have to thank the others for this."

Rotating her seat, <Fraxinus> commander sights adjust to the people behind her.

"Thanks to you, we were able to grasp about Ronin and his other personas."

"Hmph Hmph! No Problem!"

"I'm.....I'm happy to help."

"Kuku. If 'Tetsuo' is like us then it'll be difficult for Reine to win."

"Support. Tetsuo is a combination to Yuzuru and Kaguya."

"I'm not entirely sure if my opinion works but it should be enough."

"Well......if 'Takeo' is like me it should be easy for Reine to conquer."

"If Ronin is like Shidou then the best way to deal with him is to be aggressive."

"Woooh! Yes Origami! Thats the fastest way to go!"

"Muuuu. I don't think that'll work."

Muttering their thoughts. Tohka and the other Spirits voice their thoughts and knowledge over Ronin.

"But......is this really necessary?"

Amongst the sea of Spirits. Raising his hand, Shidou question over their contribution over Kotori's idea.

"Of course it is. As much as Reine is. Its best to prepare and train when she meets Ronin."

Pushing aside Shidou, Kotori lips form a crescent over their accomplishment.


"Mmmm. Everyone?"

With a smooth sound, the electronic door panel slides open with Reine behind it. Cutting off Shidou. Reine walks over to the sea of people as she questions her 'daughters' presence within <Fraxinus> bridge.

"Ah. Reine. Good. You're here."

Noticing her best friend's entrance. Kotori rotates her commander chair to face Reine.

"Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Mmm? Yes."

Tilting her head, Reine expresionless face question over Kotori's reply.

"Good. Lets go."

"Mmm. Go where?"

"There something we want to show you."

Standing away from her commander chair, Kotori leaves as Reine and the others follow her to her designated area.

"Why did you bring me to <Fraxinus>'s computer room?"

Following her best friend along with her 'daughters' and Shidou to <Fraxinus> computer room. Within their area were a row of monitors used for desktop.

"Its to train you Reine."


"Ah. We know your knowledgable about conquering Spirits just as you made Shidou. However, the one your trying to conquer has many identities so this will be tricky."

Operating the computer in front of her. Kotori begins starting a program.

"Thats why in order to raise your chance in making Ronin fall for you. We have to train you."

Beginning the program Kotori was starting. A cutely designed word <Ratatoskr> showed up on the screen before fading.

Next, together with a pop tune, handsome boys with colorful hair were shown in order, and a logo that seemed to be the title, [Fall in Love•My•Little•Reine ~], danced.

"This is...."

"...Yup. It's what's called a dating simulation game."

"Ahhhh. So its an otome game."


Answering Reine. Kotori furrow her eyebrows over the screen of pretty boys.

"Gojo told us that Ronin has multiple identities. It wouldn't be hard to say that he has many personalities to mimic the people around him just like he did with us."

Syncing with her words. Kotori eyes move away from the monitor to the Spirits behind her.

"W-Well......I may not know much about Ronin-san but if its 'Koji' I may know a bit about him."

"[Yes Yes! But if its 'Kobe' then I'm gonna get mad!]"

"If its 'Takeo' then he should be easy."

Recalling the room they were in with Ronin. Yoshino, Yoshinon, and Natsumi thought of Ronin's characters.

"Mmmm hehehe. If its 'Aya' I'm sure I know what Ronin would do."

"Ku. 'Tetsuo' is easy to understand if he's like us."

"Backwards. 'Tetsuo' is the combined version of us Yamai sisters."

Closing her eyes, Miku fantasize over her interaction with 'Aya' as the Yamai Sisters remember their challenges with 'Tetsuo'.

"Ronin isn't anything like my Tokyia but if it comes to 'Seiji' leave it to me! He's the boy version of me as an Otaku!"

After showing Ronin's 'Seiji'. Nia was aware of Ronin's character as a otaku when he uses <Rese>.

Standing within the sea of Spirits. Reine nods her head in understandment to them.

"I see. So all the characters in this game were made based on Ronin's personas. To do that you had Tohka and the others question based on their personalities and create this game."

"Thats right. But not just Tohka and the others but Shidou as well."


Turning her sights away from her 'daughters'. Reine gazes at Shidou.

"Ah. I thought it would help us."

With his sights away from Reine. Shidou looks at the screen with a character that looked similar to his apperance.

"Ah. Thats why we prepared this. Even if we can't say for sure Shinji's personality is there. We can at least assume Ronin still has some of Shinji's original aspects in him."

Gazing at her best friend. Kotori continues.

"Now. Reine. We need to train you against Ronin. The man with multiples identities."

".....Is this really necessary?"

Lowering her eyebrows. Reine stares at the Otome game on the computer screen.

"Ah! Of course it is!"

Crossing her arms. Kotori retaliate Reine.

"We don't know what kind of shenanigans Ronin has. We know his personality is similar to Shidou but he can also be a trickster like Natsumi."

".......Do you really had to put it like that?"

With her eyes half open, Natsumi mutter over Kotori proclaims of her.

"Now. Lets Begin Reine!"

Grabbing a chair. Kotori pushes for Reine to sit.

"You too Shidou."

"──! Me!?"

Surprised by Kotori's words. Shidou points himself as his face turn to confusion.

"Obviously! Your joining Ronin in [Arnhem] right?"


"So you gotta train as well. All of us can't enter at the same time since <Chokmeh> has a capacity limitation. So for this plan to work we need all the players we need."

Grabbing another chair. Kotori forced Shidou to sit.

Sitting near Reine. She hands him a controller as Reine holds her own controller.

"This will be a dual player mode. Each of you has to agree on an option or action to proceed."


'Playing a dating simulation while Kotori and Reine were watching was one thing. Now I have to play it with Reine while everyone watches......what kind of punishment is this'

Furrowing his eyebrows. Shidou could not help but squench his face over the reminder his training with in a galge game while everyone watched.

'Oh well.....at least it doesn't have a punishme──'

"It does."


Jolting his shoulders. Shidou's head swiftly move around to see Kotori as if she was reading his mind.

"Did you think there wouldn't be a punsihment?"

"N──No! But! Is that really necessary!?"

"Of course it is. We only have a few days before Gojo return. We gotta finish this as fast as possible."


"Don't worry. Reine will be joining you."


Remembering Reine's punishment from picking wrong choices in galge game. Shidou sights turn to Reine.

"Don't worry. I'll start off by taking my shoes off."

"N──No! Thats not the problem! Your still gonna strip!?"

Remembering Reine's accomplice in his failue. Shidou's cheeks redden over her punishment.

"Well......Reine seems to be okay but if you don't want any punishment. You better choose the right choices."

Raising her eyebrows. Kotori looks over to Reine and Shidou as they held their controllers.

"........Just to be clear......the punishment you have for me is......?"

"........Special●Instant Lighting Blaaaaaaaaaast."


Recalling his dark past. Shidou let out a cry that could be heard within <Fraxinus> as Kotori utters a name he wishes to forget.

"Kotori! Not that! Please, anything but that!"

"Sh──Shidou-san.....is something wrong?"

"[Hey Hey. Shidou-kun. Whats wrong?]"

With a concern face, Yoshino inches closer to Shidou as his face morphs into anguish.

"N──No! Yoshino. Yoshinon. You don't need to know."

With a demonic smile, Kotori looked at her panicking older brother.


Mio Alternate End - Chapter 16 - Shinji_Takamiya (1)

Crossing her arms. Kotori looks down at Shidou as if she was a sergeant ready to punished a criminal.

"If you don't want everyone to know or Reine to face punishment. You better get every choice right. Ah. The first mistake you'll make, I'll show everyone that video."

Recalling the video he sawed from his dark past. Shidou sights moves across every spirits in his surroundings. No matter what. He had to make sure no one sees it.


Mio Alternate End - Chapter 16 - Shinji_Takamiya (2)

With a face that seemed like he was about to cry, gripping his controller once again. Shidou steels himself in front on the monitor full of pretty boys.

"Reine! Let Beat This Game!!!"

Mio Alternate End - Chapter 16 - Shinji_Takamiya (3)

".......Lets do our best.....Shidou......"


Contrary to Shidou's energy. Reine encourage with in a monotone voice.

For the next few days. Shidou watched every scene and choices along with Reine to avoid bad choices.

Mio Alternate End - Chapter 16 - Shinji_Takamiya (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.