Desires of a Deceiver - DevilTea (2024)

Hautdlong sat alone in his room, the door locked tight behind him. His purple hair fell haphazardly around his flushed face as he panted heavily, his fingers working furiously at the growing heat within his trousers.

His heart raced as he panted heavily, a soft moan escaping his lips as his hand moved rapidly under his trousers. His engorged member throbbed within his grasp, fueled by the scandalous thoughts that danced within his mind.

The image of Ehll Tou, the beautiful red dragonet, filled his mind, her form etched into his very soul.

"Oh, Ehll," he whispered, his breath hitching as pleasure coursed through him.

The image of her cloaca, the unique reproductive organ of dragons, was especially vivid in his mind. Her species could reproduce through parthenogenesis, creating life from just their own genes. She naively shared this information with him, unaware of the effect it would have on his young, hormone-addled mind. When she showed him her cloaca, the sight had sent a thrill down his spine that he couldn't ignore.

The cloaca, a term unfamiliar to many humans, is a marvel of dragon physiology. It combines the functions of several human organs, serving as the reproductive, excretory, and urinary opening. In dragons like Ehll Tou, hers was a small slit located just beneath the base of her tail, a vibrant red color that mirrored her scales. It's an intimate part of her body, often hidden unless necessary, added to it's allure for the infatuated boy. Its uniqueness, coupled with the mystery surrounding dragon reproduction, only served to heighten the Elezen teenage boy's fascination and attraction towards Ehll Tou.

Hautdlong could hardly contain himself, his body trembling as he reached his climax. "Ehll," he breathed out, picturing her in his mind, imagining the intimacy of her cloaca. The image was burned into his mind, fueling his desire and driving him towards his peak.

Even if they were different species, he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the pull of her allure. She felt like an ordinary girl next to him, with her own dreams and desires, and yet she was a magnificent dragon only a foot shorter than him. It didn't matter, though. He loved her, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He reached his climax, he bit back a cry, his body trembling with pleasure. He let out a deep sigh as he came down from his high, a soft smile playing at his lips as he thought of Ehll Tou. He couldn't help but love her, even if she was a dragon.

Hautdlong let out a strangled gasp and his body tensed as a wave of pure euphoria washed over him. His release was intense, leaving him panting and clinging to the edge of his bed as his vision swam.

The fluids of Hautdlong's release stuck to his skin, leaving a warm and slick sensation against his bare abdomen. He sighs contentedly in the afterglow, still thinking about Ehll Tou. His feelings for her are complicated, both innocent and mature, pure and sensual.

As he caught his breath, he wonders what it would be like to touch Ehll Tou, to feel her warmth under his fingertips. Not like a friend or a peer, but as a lover. He shoves the thought down, knowing such a relationship is impossible. Yet, he can't help but fantasize, letting his imagination run wild.

"Ehll," he whispered once more, her name a sweet melody on his lips. "I love you."

Just as Hautdlong caught his breath, a sudden rustling sound could be heard from outside his window. He turned his head, his eyes widened as he saw a small familiar red figure peeking inside. It's Ehll Tou, the dragonet herself, her black eyes filled with curiosity.

"You... love me?" she asked, her voice hesitant. She tilted her head, studying Hautdlong with a mixture of confusion and interest. She had seen beasts in the Dravanian Forelands during their periods of heats and ruts, driven by similar instinctual desires. But humans were different, or so she thought.

Hautdlong blushed deeply, caught off guard by her presence. "I... I do, Ehll Tou," he stammered, his heart pounding in his chest. "But not in the same way you might understand."

Ehll Tou co*cked her head to the side, trying to make sense of Hautdlong's behavior. "Then how do humans express their love?" she asked, her tone genuine. Despite her initial shock, she is genuinely curious about this strange human behavior. "Are you in heat?" she added, half-jokingly.

Hautdlong's cheeks burned even brighter at her question. "No, no, nothing like--

But then, he paused, an idea forming in his mind. While it's true that he isn't in heat like a beast, maybe he can use this opportunity to his advantage. The naive Ehll Tou might just fall for his trick, especially given her lack of knowledge about human behavior.

He gulped, taking a deep breath as he meets her gaze. "Yes, I am in heat," he says, his voice steady despite the butterflies in his stomach. "And this is a way to find relief."

Ehll Tou tilted her head, eyeing Hautdlong for a moment before responding. "Relief?" she echoed, her tone skeptical. "How does that work?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Hautdlong took a deep breath, gathering up his courage as he responds. "Well," he began, his voice tentative at first but growing stronger as he continues. "There are certain ways that humans relieve themselves when they are in heat. And... I was doing just that."

Hautdlong waited anxiously, wondering if his gamble will pay off. Did Ehll Tou buy his lie? Or will she call him out on his deception?

Ehll Tou looked thoughtful for a moment, processing Hautdlong's words. Finally, she nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "I see," she said. "But why did you say my name while you were... relieving yourself?" she asked, her tone more direct now.

Hautdlong gulped again, knowing he's ventured into dangerous territory. "I... I can't help it," he confesses, his heart racing. "You... you occupy my thoughts, Ehll Tou. I can't stop thinking about you, even when I'm doing this."

Ehll Tou came in from the window, her tail flicking back and forth behind her. "But why?" she pressed, her voice insistent. "Why do I occupy your thoughts so much?"

Hautdlong looked away, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He can't believe he's about to say this, but there's no turning back now. "Because... I love you," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love you, Ehll Tou, and I want to be your mate."

Ehll Tou looked taken aback by his words, but there's something else - curiosity, perhaps. "Mate?" she echoed, repeating his word. "But... we are not of the same species."

Hautdlong looked down at his hands, twisting them nervously as he spoke. "That's true," he admitted, his voice quiet. "Most humans, when in heat, would picture someone of their own kind. But not me..."

He trailed off, his gaze staring directly at Ehll Tou. "When I think of somebody I love, you are the only one who comes to mind, Ehll Tou," he continued, his voice filled with conviction. "Even though I haven't interacted with many girls my age, I know for certain that my heart belongs to you."

Ehll Tou tilted her head, listening quietly as Hautdlong spoke. Her black eyes studied him carefully, trying to decipher his emotions. "I see," she said softly, her tail curling around her in a protective gesture.

She listened intently as Hautdlong professed his love for her. She couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her chest at his words, but she also felt a twinge of guilt.

"Saint Shiva," she murmured, almost to herself. She remembered hearing tales of the Saint Shiva, who fell in love with one of the great seven wyrms. At the time, she had thought the saint was a deviant, a strange oddity.

She also recalled how her father, Gullinbursti, mentioned that his dam, Ratatoskr, used to complain about carrying Saint Shiva to one of her many trysts with Hraesvelgr. It seemed strange and unnatural to her then.

But now, it seemed like history was repeating itself. Here was another Elezen, this time a male child, who had fallen for a dragon.

Ehll Tou looked at Hautdlong, her expression full of guilt. "I never thought I would be the cause of such a complex," she thought to herself. "Even in heat, this child only has eyes for a dragon."

She hesitated for a moment before making a decision. With a soft sigh, she resolved to help Hautdlong.

"Umm.." she said gently. "How can I help?"

Hautdlong's eyes widened as her words register. He did not expected his lie to work, let alone for Ehll Tou to offer to help him. His face flamed with embarrassment as he pulls out his penis, still hard and reinvigorated.

Ehll Tou looked at it curiously, unsure of what to do. "What... what do I do?" she asked, her voice soft.

Hautdlong gulped before speaking, his voice trembling slightly. "Well... first, you can clean me up with your tongue," he said, pointing to the area under his foreskin. "There might be some leftover from before."

Ehll Tou nodded, understanding. She landed gracefully on the bed beside Hautdlong as he removed his clothes completely. Without hesitation, she began to follow Hautdlong's instructions.

She extended her forked tongue and reached under his foreskin, exploring the sensitive area underneath. She tasted the bittersweet tang of his previous release, surprised that humans find this act enjoyable.

Hautdlong moaned at the sensation of her tongue on his sensitive flesh. The sensation was foreign yet pleasing as Ehll's tongue explored the sensitive area beneath his foreskin. It flicked against his glans, tracing the opening of his urethra, causing him to gasp and twitch with every expert touch. Each stroke sent waves of pleasure coursing through him, igniting his synapses with desire and need.

He watched, entranced, as the red dragonet's tongue moved rhythmically across his member, Bringing him closer to the edge of release with each passing moment.

Hautdlong took a deep breath as he guided Ehll Tou's hand towards his member, showing her the motion required to stroke him. "Use your hand like this," he instructed, demonstrating the movement.

Ehll Tou followed his instructions, wrapping her small hand around his shaft and mimicking the movements. Hautdlong moaned again, louder this time, as he felt her soft hand move up and down his length with increasing speed.

"Oh, yes, just like that," he praised. "Now, go faster." He closed his eyes as waves of pleasure washed over him, his hips bucking against her touch. "You're doing great," he added, voice strained.

Ehll Tou continued to pace herself, moving her hand up and down Hautdlong's shaft while her tongue continued to explore the sensitive areas. She could feel him getting harder and hotter, the slickness of his fluids coating her claws as she moved.

Her curiosity was piqued as she observed his responses, learning more and more about the intricacies of human reproduction.

The room was filled with the boy's heavy breathing, creating an atmosphere thick with tension and desire. Hautdlong reached out and placed his hand on Ehll Tou's head, gently stroking her soft scales as his release neared.

"C-closer... faster..." he stuttered, unable to keep his composure as the exotic sensations overwhelmed him. Ehll Tou picked up her pace, squeezing harder as she felt his body tense beneath her touch.

With a final cry of pleasure, Hautdlong felt himself release into Ehll Tou's face, his fluids painting a path from her chin to her chest. He fell back onto the bed, panting heavily as he attempted to regain his composure.

He opened his eyes and saw Ehll Tou looking at him with a mix of confusion and fascination. "Did I do it right?" she asked timidly.

Hautdlong watched with a mixture of amazement and desire as Ehll Tou cleaned the remnants of his release off her face and chest. She moves almost like a cat to lick the fluids from her scales, her slender tongue moving sensuously over her skin.

It was an erotic sight, one that caused his member to stir once again. Before he knew it, his previously flaccid member was already growing stiff and turgid once more, its tip already coated with a fine layer of pre-cum.

He couldn't believe it, that after just climaxing, he was becoming erect once more. But then again, he had never experienced such a potent attraction, a desire so intense and urgent.His mind raced with indecent thoughts and forbidden fantasies, sending waves of pleasure straight to his core.

"Ah--" Ehll Tou glanced at his engorged co*ck in surprise, blinking rapidly in shock. "Y-you're... become aroused again?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hautdlong nodded, too caught up in his mounting desire to speak. He knew that this time, he needed something more than just her hands and tongue to relieve him.

"I-- I have a way to make it... go down," he finally muttered, feeling embarrassed to admit it. He glanced nervously at Ehll Tou, wondering if she understood what he means.

"I want... to use your cloaca," he murmured, his cheeks burning with shame. "That's the only way I can get myself out of heat."

Ehll Tou's eyes widened in shock as she realized his intentions. "N-no!" she exclaimed, shaking her head frantically. "I can't! That's how I lay eggs! It's not meant for... human mating purposes!"

"But, Ehll, please understand me," Hautdlong pleaded, gazing into her eyes with a mix of desperation and sincerity. "I can't control these feelings that I have for you. Every time I lay my eyes on you - I just can't imagine being with anyone else, regardless of their race."

Ehll Tou looked conflicted, unsure of what to do. Part of her wanted to help the poor child who was clearly suffering from a complicated attraction towards her. However, she also didn't want to risk compromising her own reproductive organs. She was still growing, after all, and she did not want to endanger herself or her potential future brood.

Hautdlong saw the struggle in her eyes and decided to take one last desperate gamble. "If I don't get relief soon, I might be stuck in this state forever," he said, trying to appeal to her empathetic nature. "And I can't even think of other women when all i think about is you, Ehll Tou... Please, I beg for you to let me..."

Ehll Tou let out a deep sigh, knowing she couldn't leave him in such a desperate situation. "Okay."

She turned around, presenting her rear towards him as she lifted her tail up and out of the way. There it was, her cloaca, a vibrant red that mirrored the color of her scales.

Hautdlong couldn't believe his eyes, the sight was so surreal and intimate. His heart pounded in anticipation. His co*ck angled downwards, pointing straight towards the magnificent red cloaca that he had been fascinated with for so long.

Ehll Tou lifted her tail, exposing herself fully and giving him access to her cloaca. The sight of it made his heart race, the small red slit that led directly to her innermost depths. As he positioned himself, he felt a momentary surge of hesitation. But he quickly pushed it aside, knowing that he needed release.

With a soft grunt, he slowly pushed himself inside her cloaca, feeling a strange sensation unlike anything he's experienced before. His fingers traced her red scales as his member became fully enveloped by her warmth, causing both of them to gasp in unison.

The sensation was indescribable, as if he was being pulled deeper and deeper into something primal and organic. Each thrust felt like he was getting closer to a release, every stroke felt like pure ecstasy as his hips banging hard against her hindquarters.

His hands gripped her hips as he drive himself into her, her hard scales digging into his fingertips. The sensation of her cloaca squeezing and tightening around his member slowly became too much to bear.

Ehll Tou felt an odd sensation, like someone was stuck inside her. She could feel him pulsing and throbbing inside her as arms wrapped themselves around her waist and stomach, pulling her closer to him. She didn't know what to feel.

Suddenly, she heard a voice whispered softly into her ear. "I love you." The words sent a shiver down her spine, reminding her of their first meeting.

She remembered the first time they met, how the Ishgardians scare her off as she approached the city. But this boy, this timid boy, welcomed her with open arms. He showed her kindness and patience, something she had not experienced from humans before. She could remember Hautdlong's smile, warm and sincere, as he listened to her dreams of becoming craftsman. It wasn't just a shared interest that brought them together, it was the deep understanding of each other's desires and dreams. And as she eased herself onto him, something began to shift.

A warm feeling began to spread within her chest as Hautdlong continued to move inside her cloaca, each tug and pull sending a strange new feeling of pleasure through her body. And before she knew it, she found herself moaning and panting along with him. She began to move in sync with Hautdlong's rhythm.

She began to pant as Hautdlong's thrusts grew more urgent, his breaths coming in hot, ragged gasps as he drove himself towards his own release. Something she didn't even know dragons were capable of.

As Hautdlong moved harder and faster, she began to feel a strange warmth radiating from her lower belly. A feeling she never experienced before.

It was almost unbearable, this new wave of pleasure building up inside her. She wasn't sure if it was the movement or his declaration that sparked this kind of reaction from her.

She mewled softly, her body trembling beneath him as she felt herself reaching the edge.

"Yes, Ehll, yes..." Hautdlong whispered, his movements becoming erratic as his breaths hitched. And just like that, they found their release simultaneously. Hautdlong groaned loudly and began to emptying himself into her.

Meanwhile, Ehll Tou gave a soft yelp, her body shuddering as a new sensation overwhelmed her - a rush of pleasure that seemed to consume her from the inside out.

Thick ropes of cloudy white fluid poured out of Ehll Tou's cloaca, spilling out onto the bed. The amount was astonishing, unlike any that a young boy like Hautdlong should be able to produce.

"I-I didn't know I had so much inside me," he stuttered, panting heavily as he watched his fluids flow from her cloaca, redolent of earthy musk. It was sheer proof of the intensity of their climax, raw and primal.

"Are... are you okay?" he asked, concern etching on his features as he looked at her.

Ehll Tou looked behind her with a mix of curiosity and confusion, wondering if all humans released such large quantities of fluids during intercourse. "What... what is this?" she asked, poking lightly at the sticky substance with her clawed finger.

Hautdlong took a deep breath before answering. "It's called... sem*n," he explained, feeling a little embarrassed to discuss such things with her. "It's how humans impregnate their mates."

Ehll Tou tilted her head to the side, processing the information. "But we cannot create offspring," she said, stating the obvious.

Hautdlong shook his head, understanding her concerns. "I know that," he assured her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "But I couldn't help myself."

He then gently wiped away the excess sem*n from her cloaca with a nearby cloth, trying to clean her up as best as he could. It was a small red slit that mirrored the color of her scales, still slightly agape after their passionate lovemaking.

"Does... does it hurt?" he asked, watching her carefully for any signs of discomfort.

"Not at all," Ehll Tou replied, surprise lacing her voice. In fact, she couldn't believe how good she felt after the passionate interlude, Despite the strange and unfamiliar sensations that coursed through her body.

"Please let me know again if you get into heat," she added, trying to keep her tone casual. "It was... quite enjoyable, actually."

Hautdlong's face lit up at her words, relieved to hear it wasn't going to be a one-time thing. All thoughts of embarrassment and guilt vanished as he looked into Ehll Tou's eyes, feeling nothing but pure happiness.

"I will, Ehll," he murmured, pulling back to lay down beside her. They both sighed happily as their bodies relaxed against each other, feeling fulfilled and content. And as they drifted off to sleep, entangled in each other's embrace. Her small tail curled around his hand, a symbol of their unique bond.


A few months later.

Ehll Tou stood tall in front of Hautdlong and the Warrior of Light, a female Lalafell who looked up at her in awe. She had been gone for quite some time, but now she was back, standing proudly at a full seven feet tall and walking on two legs in the center square of the Firmament. Her ruby red scales glinted in the sunlight.

"Hautdlong! I can't believe it's really you!" Ehll Tou exclaimed as she enveloped him in a tight hug, almost knocking him off his feet. Then she turned her head while still embracing him. "And you, hero, it has been a while since our paths crossed. Your supplies have helped me greatly on my journey."

The Warrior of Light waved off the compliment, both hands moving in a dismissive gesture. "It was nothing," she said.

Then, Ehll Tou turned to Hautdlong. "Let me tell you the tales of my travels. I have learned so much about humans." She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Their cuisines are varied and interesting. Their cities are beautiful and grand. But most of all, I've discovered fascinating stories about their mating habits."

Hautdlong paled at her words, knowing exactly what she was talking about. The memory of their passionate lovemaking was still vivid in his mind, and his trickery were weighing heavily on his conscience.

"Oh? And what have you learned?" Hautdlong asked, cringing inside as he waited for her response.

"Well, for one thing, humans don't go into heat," Ehll Tou told him matter-of-factly. "They mate whenever they want to."

The Warrior of Light stared at her in confusion. "What was the reason for this change in topic?"

Ehll Tou smiled sheepishly. "Well, an old friend tricked me into thinking otherwise," she admitted. Then she glanced over at Hautdlong, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm s-sorry.." Hautdlong stammered in surprise, taking a step backwards.

But Ehll Tou wouldn't just let him off with an half-hearted apology.

"Sorry, I have something important to discuss with Hautdlong, alone. I hope you understand," Ehll Tou said apologetically to the Warrior of Light. As her tail flicked nervously behind her, she reached out with her hand - now complete with opposable thumbs - and gently grabbed Hautdlong's waist.

Without another word, she leapt into the air, taking flight with a powerful flap of her wings. Together, they ascended high above the Firmament, leaving the confused Warrior of Light below.

Finally, she settled onto a secluded cliff nearby and hung Hautdlong upside down by his leg, his face turning bright red as he dangled helplessly before her. Beneath them was a high drop, making it impossible for him to escape easily.

"Okay, explain yourself," Ehll Tou growled, locking gaze with him.

"Listen, Ehll--"

"No, you listen, Hautdlong!" she interrupted, cutting him off. "Why did you trick me into thinking humans go into heat?"

Her sharp tone took him aback momentarily, but he quickly gathered his composure.

"Fine, I confess, I lied about that," Hautdlong confessed, squirming under her scrutinizing gaze. "But I never meant to hurt you, I promise. It was just... an trick. If I didn't say anything, I would never have been able to..."

He trailed off, his eyes now looking at her lower region.

His gaze sent heat creeping up her neck, and she suddenly became self-conscious of her appearance.

She glanced down and gasped as she saw what had caught his attention. Her cloaca, which was now larger and more prominent on her bipedal form, was peeking out from between her thighs.

Ehll Tou noticed Hautdlong's trousers had grown tight around his midsection.

She looked away quickly, feeling a rising heat within her. "Really, Hautdlong? I am trying to have a serious conversation," she said, resisting the urge to giggle.

"Forgive me, Ehll Tou," Hautdlong blurted out, cheeks burning. It was difficult to maintain eye contact as she continued hanging him by his leg.

"There's no hope for you at all. Ehll Tou smiled. She tossed Hautdlong onto the soft grass away from the edge of the cliff.

Hautdlong landed with a gentle thud, looking up at her with wide eyes full of fear and excitement as he realized just how big his lover had become. A blush sprawled across his youthful face, showing through his pale skin, as he remembered their past experiences.

Ehll Tou looked down at him with the same hungry gaze as before, her black eyes filled with desire. Her ruby red scales shimmered in the sunlight as she slowly approached him, towering over him.

"You know, Hautdlong," Ehll Tou said in her smoky voice, "you really hadn't changed much since I last saw you."

Ehll Tou reached down and began unfastening Hautdlong's trousers, revealing the young Elezen's thin legs and shaft. Her tail lashed excitedly behind her as she took in the sight.

"You are still petite, and so cute," Ehll Tou praised.

Her dexterous fingers began stroking his co*ck, her grip firm and teasing. Meanwhile, her tongue teased the opening of his urethra, causing Hautdlong to moan softly. His tiny body trembled beneath her large hands.

Then, without warning, Ehll Tou lowered herself onto her lover, positioning herself directly above Hautdlong's face. He could feel her warmth radiating down towards him, a tantalizing invitation.

Her large cloaca hovered directly above him, a slit covered in delicate folds and pulsing with a life of its own. He could see tiny flutters as the entrance contracted.

A small part of Hautdlong felt intimidated, but that quickly faded as Ehll Tou's cloaca descended even further onto his face, covering him completely.

He could feel every delicate fold pressing into his skin, sending waves of pleasure through him. He felt entrapped in an exotic and mysterious world, a dragoness's intimate space.

He began exploring every inch with his tongue, tracing the opening and memorizing every textured fold. The taste of her was enticing, earthy and musky, spurring him on.

In response, her tail wrapped around him, pulling him deeper into her cloaca. His fingers awkwardly reached out to stroke and explore her wet walls, causing her to moan on top of him.

She, in turn, leaned forward and sucked on his glans, pulling it gently with her teeth while moaning. Her tongue danced up and down Hautdlong's shaft, tracing its outline and savoring his unique flavor. But then, she focused on his urethra opening, delicately flicking it with her forked tongue and causing the sensitive area to quiver.

The sensation was intense, overwhelming him with feelings of pleasure. He couldn't help but writhe beneath her touch, feeling himself becoming more and more worked up.

Suddenly, her tongue slid inside him , penetrating deep into his urethra. Her forked appendage stretched him wide with each thrust.

The sensation of being entered like this was foreign yet pleasurable for Hautdlong. He let out a involuntary moan as he felt her tongue wriggle inside him, stimulating new nerves he never knew existed.

Each movement was methodical, calculated to heighten his experience. Ehll Tou twisted her tongue clockwise before reversing direction, invoking an entirely new sensation.

His body shook with desire as she continued her slow exploration, learning every inch of him with her forked tongue. The urethral sounding pushed him closer to his limit. He couldn't even focus on returning the favor as she expertly took control of his body.

The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever experienced, leaving him breathless and desperate for release. As she played with him, he could feel the org*sm building within him. He was almost there, almost...

Just one more thrust from Ehll Tou's skilled tongue, and Hautdlong was sent over the edge. His member throbbed as he released his hot seed, coating her tongue in sticky white ropes.

As Ehll Tou swallowed every drop with satisfaction, Hautdlong felt a surprising sense of relief and satisfaction. He knew he was forgiven for his past transgressions.

And yet it wasn't over yet.

Ehll Tou pulled away from Hautdlong's face, a disappointed expression marring her features. Clearly, her lover was too caught up in his own pleasure to return the favor.

Without hesitation, she stretched out on the soft grass, her back arching gracefully. Her cloaca faced upward, glistening and inviting. A soft hiss escaped her lips as she spread herself wider, inviting him for another round.

"Come, boy," she growled, her voice sultry and full of need. "Give me what I crave."

Hautdlong didn't need any further encouragement. He was already hard again at the sight of Ehll Tou's inviting cloaca. He climbed onto her, his hips settling between her open thighs. Gazing down into her eyes, he position himself at her entrance.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with love and admiration.

With a slow, deliberate thrust, he entered her cloaca once more, their bodies connecting with a satisfying slickness. He moved slowly at first, savoring every moment as he sank deeper and deeper into her warmth.

Ehll Tou wrapped her tail around his waist, pulling him even closer as they began to move together. Hautdlong's hips began to piston faster and harder, the sound of their passionate joining echoing across the secluded cliffside.

Their breathing became ragged as they chase their mutual release. Ehll Tou can feel herself growing closer, her inner walls tightening around Hautdlong's length.

"Is this what you wanted?" Hautdlong panted, sweat trickling down his brow as he pushed himself to the brink of ecstasy. His hands moved across the red scales on her thighs, feeling the ripple of muscle beneath his fingertips, as he drives himself into her even harder. He could feel her claws scratched his skin, drawing blood and adding an edge of pain to their pleasure.

Ehll Tou let out a deep, guttural moan, unable to form words as pleasure overwhelmed her. She nodded, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

With a final, powerful thrust, Hautdlong released himself inside her, triggering Ehll Tou's climax. They came together, their cries of pleasure ringing out across the open skies.

Hautdlong collapsed against Ehll Tou's chest, gasping for breath as she stroked his hair tenderly, like a mother comforting her child. Their hearts pounded in unison, drowning out the silence of the winds and world around them.

"Thank you," Hautdlong whispered. A smile spread across his lips as he closed his eyes to sleep. Ehll Tou's forgiveness filled him with relief, washing away the burden of his lies.

"No, thank you." Ehll Tou replied, her tone filled affection. A single claw tracing gentle lines along his cheek. "My love," she began softly, her voice tinged with love. "Our story may not be as famous as that of Saint Shiva, but it is our own, and it is worth telling."

She wrapped her tail around him, his body against her warm chest as she gazed out at the horizon. The sun dipped low, casting a golden hue upon the landscape below. In the distance, the outline of the Dravanian Forelands faded into shadow.

Their day of passion came to an end as the sunset settled over the land, leaving only the memory of their heated encounter and a Warrior of Light wondering where was the dragon who had so desired her supplies.

Desires of a Deceiver - DevilTea (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.