WPaRG: Stories about the Pieces of the Past - Chapter 21 - chelonianmobile, MultiFanGirlWickedPony, Writearoundchic (2024)

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Partial Human Skeleton (REAL!!) Composite
Anatomical Model University of Tuskegee

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Instead of a syringe, a scalpel shining; way down South in the land of traitors. Pearl without ruby. Alabama. Sims’ practice in Montgomery. In 1840. The larger one in Tuskegee. Some hundred years after that. And the film plays, as it plays
 It is not soundless. It is not sepia. Not grayscale either. Not like a film from the 1840s. Not like a film from 1932. More like a coloring book without any coloring - in or outside the lines. A series of prolonged, silent stills. Everything washed out but the colors that matter. Black upon black and white.

OBSESSED!!!! @Stix!!! THANK YOU!!! Newly published writer here. Needed a little somethin somethin to zhuzh up my author bio photograph
 whatever it’s called, (LOL). Got this whole Hamlet thing going on.

1848. Dr. Marion Sims is a White man. White sheets hanging down the wall, separating out his operating room. White sheets spread out across the operating table, clean but stained with old blood, with old women - all the girls that came before.

Kneel for me, Bonnie.

The Frontal Bone does so haltingly. I’m late, she says. My
 My master-

Shh. None of that now. You belong to me.

Ugh. FINALLY! Been looking for summin like dis since we went to Finland (girlfriend’s an archeologist!) didn’t actually keep anything we dug up - no durrr - gonna use this baby to make my own pendants. Wish me luck or whateverrrr (might update later) EDIT: pics

1948. The Tuskegee Institute is Black to the bone, Black right down to the foundation. These doctors, though, are as White as Sims and Whiter than his bloodstained sheets. A lot Whiter. They wear rubber gloves, some of them, and carry two syringes each. One for injecting the unmentionable. Another for drawing blood.

William Hogg?

The Ethmoid Bone steps forward. Round faced and round-cheeked and
 just plain round. He holds his hand out to shake. The doctors - all the doctors - leave it hanging. Just Bill, please. Just Bill. That’s me.

this girl LOOOOOOOVES all things fall! Especially Halloween. ESPECIALLY HALLOWEEN. Bit bummed someone got to the skull before I did. Also the WHOLE thing was a little out of my price range. Still though. Got a few good size pieces at least. This is my yard now. Supes creepy
 but also kinda cute?

1848. The Frontal Bone screams. Strapped to the table. No anesthesia. Not even of the crude antebellum kind. Not for girls like her. Not for the Cranial Bone either, cap of her head slowly emerging from the Frontal Bone’s dilated cervix, tearing open the scars and scalpel-tallies already carved into the skin. At the end, smeared in blood, she reaches for her child. And weeps when he - Sims - pronounces it a girl.

Carrie’s a good name, I think. What say you?

Carrie, she whispers into the newborn’s birth-damp hair. You’d be better off dead.

I’ve always been really into haunted houses. Think I’ll be setting up my own this year

1948. Frogs’ legs and jazz music. Proto hip-hop. Trapezoid with an armful of lilies. Meets a bird in New Orleans. Radius is loud in a good way. Louder than the band in the club. Louder than the streetcars and taxi cabs that don’t stop for people like them anyway. She’s loud when he gets on top of her. And they make music together all night long. He’s sick in the morning, getting out of bed. Homesick. Most be. She promises to call him once he’s back in Alabama. And then she doesn’t. Not ever again. And that sick feeling doesn’t go away.

@Geli @Hawley u guys are literally the best for showing me this listing, normally I use animals for my protection charms (can’t be 2 careful, specially 4 all hallows night) but human auras are WAYYYYY stronger especially if they’ve been dead a long time

1848. Thoracic Vertebrae is fat and heavy - but only at the middle. The rest of her is dreadful thin. Thin as a snakeskin. Thin as a chicken bone. She eats everything the doctor gives her and asks for more. I’m not with child, she tells him in between bites of sandwich and sips of milk. I know the missus told you so. But I can’t be! She says as much, every day that he keeps her. Screams it when she’s strapped to the bed. And keeps screaming until she can’t scream anymore - or ever again. And the other girls listen through the white-curtain wall. And huddle closely. Sure enough - no baby. Nothing but a stomach, swollen in hunger. And Sims hums Old Aunt Jemima as he takes her apart.

question: is human bone safe to eat? one of my moms is an archeologist and her birthday’s coming up this fall
 We always cook together when she’s home. i sort of want to try my hand at bone cutlery like they had during the stone age
 oh! and if it *is* safe - what’s the best part to carve it from?

1948. The Palatine Bone is all-round and round all-over. Not quite Black, not quite Chinese either. He has to beg them to have him - these white coats, these White men at Tuskegee - free medical treatment, they’ve promised him. His wife is sick. His kid is sick. Nose dripping by the trunkful. Vomit trapped in his cheek pouches and staining his big front teeth. Lesions developing along her buttocks. Mouth open and suckling at nothing. Always crying for more and more and more. So Palatine goes hungry. He goes home and kisses his son on the forehead. His wife on the lips. Free medical treatment. But Zygomatic Bone doesn’t get any better. But Lumbar Vertebrae gets worse and worse. And Palatine works too hard to save them from this, to trace it back to the chancre on his own upper lip. To the pinprick on his forearm. To the doctors that put it there.

This year’s halloween costume! I’m going as a ‘sexy skeleton’ lolz XD Had to break the ribs a bit in order to make it work ;c Still though! Love how it turned it, no? Gonna use the extra pieces for my OWN shop mebay.com/sexilexi hmu for some rib-bone bangles or whatever the f*ck

1848. The Lacrimal Bone is very beautiful. Gorgeous in fact. White lace ribbons in her thick black hair, red-pink one around her throat. Of the girls that Sims’ assistants bring to him, she’s on the younger side (nowhere near the youngest though). Breasts swollen and hot to the touch. Nipples cracked and weeping.

You’ve given birth before?

It’s what I was bought for. Before that, I worked out in the field, you see. I liked that well enough
 Here’s where I nursed my master’s son. Here’s where I nursed my own.

Well, Sims says, touching her chest with clinical fingers. You’ll have no need for them here.

My guy best friend broke his ankle ‘wrestling’ a bit ago lol. Getting this as a gag gift. Still waiting for his girlfriend to check out or at least stop being such a little bitch about us. LOL - women, right? (I don’t get the deal with other girls and their boyfriends. Nuttin wrong with a little friendly competition ;)) Anyway
 I’ll give it to him when I give it to him. (Dakota, eat your heart out)

1948. Here is the Mandible. Here is the Maxilla. Older here. Older now. Plainly old. They live together in a house on Main Street. And call themselves brothers. And eat very well. Still, though
 the house belongs to Mandible. So does the food on the table and the rug beneath it. So do the grounds, so do the horses. And motor cars. So did Maxilla. Before the war. Eighty eight years ago by now

I’m sorry to hear about Chun-

That was last week.

Oh. Who is it this time?

I don’t understand why this keeps happening. You said you trusted the Institute.

I do, Mandible says, teeth grinding nervously. You think I wanted this?

Of course not. But
 but I-

You’re my best friend, Max. I only want to help you. To help
 people like you
 To see them get ahead.

Maxilla says nothing.

Anyway, you’re just one of the controls, aren’t you? Lucky, that. Wouldn’t stand a chance. Old boy like you.

I keep forgetting I’ve got this thing in my room. Saw it through my window coming home last night (football season) and had a f*cking asthma attack. Five stars.

1848. Tibia and Fibula. Two sisters. True sisters. One with braids - voluminous and winding, like ivy creepers, like antlers from a reindeer doe - and one shorn and shaven, cut right down to the scalp. Christmas approaching. Sims spends twelve days prodding at them - at their breasts and genitals, and the white whipped-spots going down Fibula’s fawn-colored back. They finally break away, on this the twenty fourth of December. And break every bone in their bodies, leaping from the roof of his practice. No matter. The doctor doesn’t seem terribly troubled. He sends the other girls to pick up the pieces. And scrub the flagstones, the white flagstones, clean.

Energy is a little strong for me. (Bought a few to make a meditation circle). But my Guru says they worked for her okay. 3/5?

1948. Ulna isn’t Trapezoid’s son, but he’s Radius’ sure as anything. Born a few months after the night at the jazz club. She hasn’t realized yet, about the sickness imparted to her. Not until Ulna is born and it becomes obvious that something is wrong with him. He cries all night and wakes the neighbors. He cries all day and doesn’t feed. Radius sings and rocks and doesn’t mind the noise even a little bit. It’s not enough to keep him there for long.

Syphilis, the doctors say, over the infant’s body.

I don’t understand

Nothing to be done about it now. We’ll have to dispose of the body - we will, I hope you know that.

And so Radius buries an empty box.

Whittling the pieces down into spikes. Gonna put them through my jacket when they’re done. Will post pics if all goes well.

1848. Phalanges is unusual. Most unusual. She’s polydactyl. Eight fingers on each hand. Eight toes on each foot. Metacarpals and Metatarsals have the usual amount between them. Joined from birth and bought soon after. They cling to Phalanges and to each other. And to whatever they can reach when the doctor comes for them.

Unusual. Most unusual. I wonder if it will separate

It, not them. He only means one part. Like the rest doesn’t matter. And in the end it doesn’t. And he can’t and they are lost. And so is Phalanges.

Guessing returns aren’t an option. Is it legal to throw out this sh*t? Bandmate put a bone spike through his hand

1948. Malleus is the hammer. Incus is the anvil. Black and gay, way down in Alabama. Even their grandfathers wore gray in the war. Malleus and Incus. And Malleus’ Mercury Eight. Malleus and Incus. One on top. One on the bottom. Towels laid over the leather seats.

She’s a beauty, ain’t she?

Sure is! How’d you ever get the dough?

Malleus without Incus. Covered in scaly chancres. Malleus without Incus. Foot on the ignition. Malleus without Incus. Full speed ahead, towards the sour-apple tree. Malleus- CRRRRACK

Every summer, I go catfishing with my daddy. This’ll sound kind of messed up, I guess, but they make pretty awesome lures. Especially the pinky fingers. LOL. Thanks, Tuskegee!

1848. Ilium and Ischium and Pubis. Two girls. And a boy. That makes things easy, when it’s time to hold them down.

I’m sorry, Ischium says. Ilium and Pubis, thrashing against him like fish in the net.

Reggie! What’s the holdup? Lolly and Dolly not behaving for you? Heh. ‘Lolly and Dolly’, that’s funny.

You bastard! YOU BASTARD! Ilium screams as Pubis lets out a blue streak of ThoƋ Ă« Jieng. LET ME GO! YOU STUPID- He jerks her back suddenly, by the middle of the neck, by the apex of her throat. She makes a little noise. Then nothing. And the Sessamoid Bone - curled in on herself, too small to make it without her mother - is expelled in pieces, between her legs.

Later. Calmer. Pubis brews the way her mother taught her. The way the women - the wise old Dinka women - would, way down in Africa-Land. Brews it strong and bitter. And then she drinks it. Rubbing that place where her belly’s swollen, where it bulges way, way out. I’d rather die than give that man my daughter. She’s better off
 If it’s a girl.

It’s not a girl. Sacrum born in blood and viscera. Staining the “good” doctor’s pristine white floors. Neither is Coccyx. Sold as gator bait before long. Or the one that comes after that. The Accessory Bone is born with his legs fixed together. That’s funny. That’s funny. Sims laughs. He claps like a seal. And displays Pubis’ own dear little baby in a pickle jar. Next to the Sesamoid Bone. He even names them - Sera. Tristan. And they will remain here for a hundred years after. Even after the South rises and falls.

Having to re-order after one of my dumbass bandmates put a spike through his hand and my other dumbass bandmate tossed the rest out with my sticks. Used to play on all kinds of things before my first real drum set. Excited to play with real, human ivory. How f*ckin cool is that???

1948. Stapes is a drifter. Patches on his pants and holes in his shoes. Drifting, drifting, drifting
 Until he lands in Tuskegee. He works in the citrus orchards for a season or so. Startled by the barncat, way up the lime tree. Falls back and lands rough - small as he is. Breaks his shoulder, hits his head.

I can’t afford- he tells the doctor, blood trickling from the ears.

Don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything.

What’s the catch?

No responses to @judith’s post yet so I thought I’d make my own. I’m a caterer/chef. Working backstage for this goth-punk band on halloween
 Trying to spice up the decor. We’ll see how it goes.

1848. The Sphenoid Bone is timid. The Trapezium is shy. And they find friendship in each other without exchanging so much as a word. The Sphenoid Bone is delicate. The Trapezium is sick. Born this way and not getting better. Not ever, probably - not in this place, not in this time. They read- ‘read’ by the light of a candle. Peering over the hazy, human figures. Naked women and the things that Sims pulls out of them. Not so scary here and now. In black upon black on white.

Cut; he pins her like a butterfly. Sphenoid on the table. Wrists bound at the corners. Legs spread wide. Screaming and bleeding as he works the speculum inside her.


The Trapezium hangs frozen in the doorway. Wide eyed and terrified. Heart beating faster than it ever has before. The speculum. The Sphenoid Bone. The speculum. The blood. The speculum- The Trapezium doubles over, clutching his chest.

ARGH! Getting a lot of hate over my guitar pick (human breastbone). As if the boys aren’t covered head to toe in the f*cking things
 Heaven forbid women do anything
 (@Stix. Can you add a note or something saying you got this bitch ethically?)

1948. Ulna is gone now, and Radius flown after him. She leaves a note for her brother on the table. To Roy, it says. And so Clavicle goes to Alabama. And asks after Trapezoid. At the bar and the inn and the university. And the clinic in Tuskegee.

I’m sure I don’t know any Charles Hopper

You say your sister wasn’t well

Out. Now. No coloreds in the waiting room.

Cut; Clavicle on the floor of a padded cell with his arms wrapped around him. Eyes dull. Mouth open and drooling. A scar the size of a weathervane needle. He goes on, dead as his sister, for the remainder of his life. Just like Scapula, chained up beside him. Just like the Lunate Bone. Hooting and howling. Matching chancres underneath their masks.

Lunatics, the white-coat White-skin doctors say. Absolutely moony.

These bones look weirdly
 white to anyone else? I don’t think human bone is usually that color. Not to bring up aliens again, but
 @stix, where did you get these?

1848. Cervical Spine is tall by anybody’s standards. Especially for a woman of the time. Cervical Ribs is a small child and small for her age even then. It makes no difference when he works - what he works - inside of them. While they squirm and bleed and cry. I know it don’t hurt the way you say it does. The Cervical Spine cries and he smears her in honey. Now, isn’t that better? Cervical Ribs cries as he clips her genitals with scissors, trying to shear away her mass of curly pubic hair.

I’m a full-time bouncer. Clubs, concerts, stuff like that. I own a lot of knives. This one is definitely the coolest, if not the sharpest. It’s giving Saturday Knight Special vibes

2048. The Hyoid Bone is as white as a paper skeleton. She leans back on the table, so far it’s almost upside down. And Patella - with his pockets full up with needles and pins - smirking between her legs.

 It won’t hurt, will it?

He inserts the speculum and splits her wide.

Sprained my ankle three times last year and broke my foot twice. Ankle bones are for my doctor, lol. (She’s Mongolian.)

1748. Capitate and Hamate. Run for their lives. Hand-in-hand. Tiny and terrified as they’re snatched up by the slavers. Forced onto separate ships in the Port of Soyo. Hamate stares down at the water. Capitate struggles and fights and tries to run
 And it doesn’t make any difference at all.


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WPaRG: Stories about the Pieces of the Past - Chapter 21 - chelonianmobile, MultiFanGirlWickedPony, Writearoundchic (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.