Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 8/8/24] (2024)

Re: Tau Upsilon Gamma (an interactive story) [M+/M+] [Chapter 2 - 9/25/21]

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Postby wataru14 »

Chapter 3: Leo

Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 8/8/24] (1)

Some people just have no sense of humor.

Leo tore into the dining hall, hoping to lose the pursuing boys of Delta Iota Xi in the teeming mass of Orientation Week diners. The place was packed, so his odds looked pretty good. He weaved this way and that through the throng of people carrying trays and managed to snag a muffin from some random sap before he ducked away. Score! The wall of angry beef on his tail stopped dead in the doorway and scanned the room. But they lost him. “Haha! Stupid f*cks! I win again!” Leo gloated as he melted deeper into the crowd.

“Time to sit down and enjoy my plunder,” he thought, tossing the muffin into the air and catching it behind his back in an effortless fluid motion. But seats were slim pickings. Most tables had kids with their families, or were full to capacity. He bobbed in and out of the rows of tables until he spied an empty chair a few feet down. It was a small table with two guys about his age eating dinner and talking. Wait a minute. Was that PHOTO BOY? It was! Holy sh*t! No way Leo was going to pass up this opportunity!

Leo sauntered up to the table, grabbed the available chair, twirled it around backwards, and sat without being invited. “Afternoon, gents,” he said, taking a bite of his stolen muffin. Photo Boy’s friend just smiled and said “Howdy! Lookin’ for a place to sit?” But Photo Boy’s face was as red as the sauce on the manicotti he was eating.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Leo said, biting down on the muffin so he could shake the young cowboy’s hand with both of his own. “Name’s Leomund Mordenkainen Bucknard. Named for not one, but TWO famous wizards!” The cowboy seemed dumbfounded, but Photo Boy grinned slightly, the embarrassment slowly draining from his face.

“Nice to meet you Leomund,” he said with a chuckle. “My name’s Otiluke and this is my roommate Bigby.”

Cody furrowed his brow in confusion. “Actually, I’m Cody and this is Nate. Don’t know where those gosh-darn names came from, haha!”

“I see you’re not a fan of the finer gaming pursuits,” Leo said. “Not like our cultured and sophisticated friend here.” Leo was impressed that Nate got the reference. “We’ll have to converse about that more formally later. But I actually wasn’t joking. That IS my name and that IS where it came from.” He facetiously flashed a gang hand signal. “Nerd life, amirite?”

The tension now completely broken, Nate let out a laugh. “These two are pretty cute,” Leo thought. “Couple? No. Not a couple. Lucky me.” Leo turned to Nate. Time to f*ck around and find out, as they say. “I’m sorry about my abrupt departure when we met earlier. But I had important things to get to. I must say you got some pretty good shots out there. When you’ve got some time, I’d love to see them.” Nate nearly choked on his manicotti.

“Shots of what?” Cody asked.

“Oh, just some of the old buildings around the South Lawn,” Leo said before Nate could think up a lie, grinning slightly at Nate’s panicked face. “Nothing all that interesting. But I’d still like to see them sometime.”

The three chatted for a while. Nate couldn’t believe his luck. He always had a hard time making friends before and now, not six hours after arriving at school, he had two! Well, one and a half. He didn’t quite know what to make of Leo yet. On the one hand, he did come dangerously close to humiliating him in front of his roommate, but on the other hand, he didn’t go in for the kill when he had the chance. But he seemed to be an OK guy at first glance.

Cody was his usual affable self. Making friends must be super easy for someone like him, Nate thought. But Leo couldn’t help notice that Cody seemed particularly interested in his leather jacket. Leo kept noticing him take furtive glances at it during dips in the conversation, so he decided to stir the pot. He’d accentuate his words with arm gestures that would make the leather creak and groan just so. He’d smooth the lapels or adjust the way it was hanging at just the right moment. And all the time measuring Cody’s reaction. He was playing the cowboy like Charlie Daniels’ fiddle.

“That’s a pretty sweet jacket,” Cody said eventually, taking the bait. Leo had steered the conversation to clothing a little while ago, hoping for just this moment.

“Yeah? You like it?” he said innocently. “Bought it secondhand but it’s top quality. I wear it everywhere.”

“I think it’s super cool,” Cody said. “I kinda want to get one of my own. Got the vest and chaps already.”

Leo was taken aback. Now THAT wasn’t what he expected to hear! Wait? Oh yeah! Now he recognized who he was talking to. Cody had been some kind of junior rodeo superstar before he aged out of the circuit this year. Saw his pictures in the local paper. He was talking about “work clothes.” Pity. But still, Leo just couldn’t let that rest…

“I think you should,” Leo said. “You’d look pretty badass in a jacket like this. In fact, why don’t we see for ourselves? Wanna try it on?”

Cody’s face lit up. “Could I?” he asked, adorably sheepishly. Leo just wanted to pinch his cheeks. Both the northern AND southern sets, actually.

“Sure,” Leo said. “We’re friends, aren’t we?” He stood up and slid out of his jacket before handing it over to Cody. His face beaming, Cody stood up and slipped it on. It felt amazing! It was a bit too small for him, sized for Leo's taller and more slender frame, but he didn’t care. He loved the snug tightness of it around his body and the rigid firmness of the material. He loved the gentle creaking whenever he moved his arms. He loved the aged, rugged smell that wafted off the slightly distressed black cowhide. Cody zipped it closed, ignoring the tightness, and buckled the waist belt. “How do you feel?” Leo hummed.

“Like I wanna get a Harley!” Cody said, scrunching his face in a mock-badass grimace and flexing his wrists like he was controlling the throttle on a motorcycle. “Yeah,” Cody said rubbing his hand over the slick leather coating his arm, “I gotta get me one of these.”

Just then the conversation was halted by the sudden appearance of three members of Delta Iota Xi in the next row of tables. “There he is!” one shouted and they started to move en masse in Leo’s direction.

“Well,” Leo said. “It looks like you’re in luck! You get to hold onto that for me a little longer as I need to make a speedy and immediate exit. I’ll collect it sometime later. Bye boys!” And with that, he was gone, melted into the crowd as if he was never there. Nate and Cody looked around in disbelief as the three hulking football jocks ran past their table, shoving people out of the way as they barreled towards the open exit door leading to the back porch.

Leo hopped over the bike rack and raced like his life depended on it. Because it kinda did. His pursuers were hot on his tail, but he was much more nimble. Barring any catastrophe he’d outpace them soon. Big lugs were built for smashing, not sprinting. With a co*cky smile he gave a look back over his shoulder and slammed headfirst into a veritable wall of muscle.

“What the?” he gasped as he tumbled backwards onto his ass. Looking up, he saw the very large and very angry face of one of the Brothers of Delta Iota Xi staring down at him. “Hey,” Leo said, “Let’s not do anything hasty here. We can talk this out.”

But the Great Wall in front of him was in no mood for conversation. Leo scooted backwards and bumped right up against the legs of his three burly pursuers. “Well sh*t,” he muttered.

The four wasted no time in reaching down and grabbing Leo by the collar of his T-shirt. He was ripped off the ground and planted face-first into the back wall of the dining hall, his cheeks smooshing against the bricks. Two pairs of hands that felt like they could rip phone books in half held him tight by the upper arms. No amount of frantic wriggling would break THESE grips. As Mountain 1 and Mountain 2 pinned him fast against the wall, Mountain 3 roughly wrenched his hands behind his back and held them there. He heard the sticky squelch of athletic tape being pulled off the roll and felt it being slapped around his wrists. And around his wrists. And around his wrists. “Damn!” Leo thought. “Overkill much? Guess they REALLY don’t want me getting away.”

“Come on guys,” Leo protested, squirming vainly against the tape that imprisoned his wrists behind his back. “Why all the hostility? It was just a water balloon!”

“A water balloon filled with cat piss!” Mountain 4 said. He still carried the strident odor of feline urine on him. Leo couldn’t help himself but to smile.

“I thought you’d appreciate the effort and creativity,” he said, trying to buy time in the hopes that a faculty member would appear and save him. But today wasn’t as lucky a day as he had previously thought.

“You talk too much,” Mountain 4 said and clamped the athletic tape over Leo’s smartass mouth. He wrapped it around five or six times before tearing it off fully from the roll and flattening the edges. Now the much smaller Freshman started to squirm in earnest. This was getting very bad very fast. These mugs wouldn’t hurt him physically, but they would still make him pay for the prank he pulled. Of that he was certain.

After getting a signal from Mountain 4, his two burly captors hoisted him up like a ragdoll. Leo frantically kicked his legs in a mad attempt to break free, but Mountain 3 scooped them up and held them tight as Mountain 4 secured them in tape as well. Now Leo was really f*cked! They had him right where they wanted him. And boy, were they mad! Mountain 1 tossed Leo over his shoulder and the group started off through the crowd with their prisoner. Mountain 4 turned to address the gathered throng of onlookers and shouted “No one f*cks with Delta house!”

Leo didn’t struggle much as he was carried away towards Founder’s Statue. There wasn’t any point and he wanted to conserve his energy for what was to come. In case an opportunity for escape suddenly presented itself. The statue was 10’ tall atop a 10’ pedestal and right smack in the center of campus. It depicted some dead guy from like a thousand years ago who killed a bunch of natives so the university could be built or something. The four slabs of meat holding him hostage carried him over to the statue and deposited him roughly on the ground in front of it, forcing him to stand with his back against the pedestal.

Mountain 1 reached down and tore Leo’s T-shirt apart like tissue paper and tossed the shredded rags aside. Two and Three then propped him up against the pedestal while Four started unrolling more athletic tape. Leo thrashed like mad as his upper body was entombed in the tape and then secured to the pedestal with what felt like miles and miles of the sticky stuff. “Rutherford Kleinstock,” Leo thought, remembering the name of the statue’s subject. He remembered this because he was being tightly taped right on top of the commemoration plaque and the raised letters were digging into his bare back.

When the tape ran out, the four galoots stood in a line to gloat. All in all, it wasn’t as bad as he was expecting. They’d get bored and leave soon and some good soul would free him. They’d all have a nice laugh and he’d go home. Yadda yadda. But Leo’s eyes widened when he saw the four start to unzip their pants.

“So you think piss is funny?” Mountain 4 said. “Let’s see how you like it now!”

Now Leo was no stranger to the sight of another man’s co*ck, but even he was impressed with the length and girth of the array now on display in front of him. In another setting, he would be quite tickled pink with this arrangement, but the thought of being used like a urinal cake in public made his stomach turn. And here he always thought that ‘roids caused shrinkage. Live and learn, he guessed. As his grinning tormentors advanced towards him, holding their co*cks at aim, Leo closed his eyes and braced for the worst.

“What the hell is going on here?!?!?”

Leo opened his eyes with a shock. He knew that voice! It was the science professor who busted him for trying to graffiti the wall of the gym this morning! Confiscated some very expensive paint! Great. Of all people, it had to be him. His four captors seemed nonplussed. They didn’t even stow their co*cks as he approached.

“Beat it, prof,” Mountain 4 said. “This doesn’t concern you. Little rat has this coming.”

“I’m sure he does,” the professor replied. “But I don’t give a sh*t. Put those things away and back off.”

Mountain 4 got right up in the professor’s face. Could he do that to a teacher? “I guess the football team can do anything they want,” Leo thought, watching his would-be rescuer with great interest. While his abductor’s attention was diverted, he tried to squirm out of the tape, but didn’t make any headway. These boys had trouble with 2+2 but they sure knew their stuff when it came to tape!

The professor didn’t even bat an eye. “You know that exposing yourselves in public like that can get you on the sex offender registry real quick, don’t you?” he threatened. “And the NCAA doesn’t take kindly to things like that. Your careers will be over before they even start.” The four jocks looked at each other grimly and tucked their dicks back into their jeans.

“All four of you are in my Geology 102 class, correct?” the professor said, but continued before anyone could respond. “I know ‘Rocks for Jocks’ isn’t taken too seriously in academic circles and that none of you ever went to my 101 class anyway, but my little arrangement with your coach is already on thin ice as it is. Something like this might just cause me to call our deal off and give you all the grades you deserve this semester. And by my estimation your marks would be hovering somewhere around the Cambrian Strata. I decide to grade you fairly and you’ll be on academic suspension so fast Spacetime will dilate around you.”

The reference went clear over their heads, but the intent was clear. The four lumbering oafs began to slink away with their tails between their legs, but not before turning to Leo and giving a quick “You f*ck with us again and we’ll break your legs.” And then they were gone.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief as the professor dispersed the gathered looky-loos and leaned in to unwind the tape from around his mouth. “You OK?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Leo said, licking his lips to get the moisture flowing. “Almost got into a tight spot there. Thanks for saving my ass, by the way.”

“Yes, well, you do kind of deserve it,” the professor said. “The first rule of pranking is ‘don’t get caught.’ And you got caught twice in one day. Sloppy work, my man. Why when I was your age… you know what? Never mind about when I was your age.” Leo smiled, but noticed the professor didn’t remove any of the other tape from his body.

“Are, um, you going to untape me?” Leo asked. “I’d appreciate it.”

“I’m sure you would,” the professor said. “But no. You’re going to free yourself as punishment for your ineptitude. Spry little thing like you should be out in two shakes.” Leo grimaced, but didn’t argue. “But our meeting wasn’t completely by chance. I’ve actually been looking for you, believe it or not. I wanted to give you this.”

The professor placed a white envelope with gold embossed letters on the ground beside Leo’s taped feet. “When you get free, read that over. I think its contents will interest you.”

Leo looked down at the “ΤΥΓ” letters emblazoned above his name on the envelope as a knowing smile formed on his lips. But when he looked up again, the professor was gone.

Coming Soon: Chapter 4 – Ray & Mason

My story archive:
https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f= ... 611#p63611

Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 8/8/24] (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.