Type | Trainer | Role | Unique Sync Move |
Electfric | Scottie / Bettie & Pikachu | Striker | Thunder of Newfound Passion |
Fire | Scottie / Bettie & Torchic | Support | Fire Sync Impact |
Steel | Scottie / Bettie & Solgaleo | Striker | Shining Friendship Sunraze Smash |
Rock | Scottie / Bettie & Regirock | Support | Ancient Monolith Rock Impact |
Fighting | Scottie / Bettie & Cobalion | Support | Cobalt Justice Fighting Impact |
Psychic | Scottie / Bettie & Mesprit | Support | Every Emotion Psychic Beam |
Steel | Scottie / Bettie & Registeel | Support | Ancient Iron Steel Impact |
Fairy | Scottie / Bettie & Alcremie | Support | Favorite Flavor Fairy Beam |
Electric | Scottie / Bettie & Raikou | Support | Rumbling Thunder Electric Impact |
Rock | Brock & Onix | Tech | Rock-Solid Rockslide |
Rock | Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar | Striker | Sygnature Rock-Solid Stone Edge |
Water | Misty & Starmie | Support | Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam |
Water | Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck | Support | All-Out Offense Water Beam |
Water | Sygna Suit Misty & Vaporeon | Tech | Mermaid Duo Hydro Pump |
Electric | Lt. Surge & Electrode | Tech | Surging Charge Beam |
Electric | Lt. Surge & Raichu | Support | Zap-tastic Electric Beam |
Grass | Erika & Vileplume | Tech | Nature-Loving Petal Dance |
Fairy | Erika (Holiday 2020) & Comfey | Support | Merry and Bright Dazzling Gleam |
Grass | Erika & Tangela | Tech | Wondrous Rainbow Grass Beam |
Grass | Sygna Suit Erika & Leafeon | Tech | Sunny Snooze Leaf Blade |
Fire | Blaine & Rapidash | Tech | Quizmaster Flame Charge |
Ice | Lorelei & Lapras | Tech | Freezing Terror Blizzard |
Ice | Lorelei & Cloyster | Support | Unbreakable Will Ice Impact |
Fighting | Bruno & Machamp | Striker | Trained-to-the-Max Dynamic Punch |
Rock | Bruno & Onix | Support | Overwhelming Power Rock Impact |
Ghost | Agatha & Gengar | Tech | Tried-and-True Hex |
Poison | Agatha & Arbok | Support | Elder's Experience Poison Impact |
Water | Kris & Feraligatr | Striker | Crystalline Aqua Tail |
Water | Sygna Suit Kris & Suicune | Support | Crystal Clear Surf |
Electric | Kris & Jolteon | Tech | Jolt of Genius Electric Beam |
Bug | Bugsy & Beedrill | Striker | Bug Expert Twineedle |
Bug | Bugsy & Scyther | Support | Always Researching Bug Impact |
Bug | Bugsy (Holiday 2024) and Kricketune | Support | Conduct a Melody of Feelings Bug Impact |
Normal | Whitney & Miltank | Tech | Supercute Rolling Tackle |
Normal | Whitney (Holiday 2022) & Sawsbuck | Tech | Indomitable Happiness Normal Impact |
Ice | Pryce & Dewgong | Striker | Winter's Lesson Aurora Beam |
Dragon | Clair & Kingdra | Striker | No Mercy Dragon Pulse |
Dragon | Clair (New Year's 2024) & Drampa | Support | New Year’s Dance Dragon Beam |
Poison | Janine & Ariados | Tech | Ninja Spirit Cross Poison |
Poison | Janine & Crobat | Support | Shadow-Slinking Poison Beam |
Psychic | Will & Xatu | Tech | Mystery Masquerade Psychic |
Psychic | Will and Slowbro | Tech | Stand Above All Psychic Beam |
Dark | Karen & Houndoom | Striker | Beguiling Dark Pulse |
Dark | Karen & Umbreon | Striker | Adorably Wild Dark Impact |
Grass | Brendan & Sceptile | Striker | Leaf Blade of Sundering |
Dragon | Sygna Suit Brendan & Latios | Support | Good Times Draco Meteor |
Rock | Roxanne & Probopass | Support | Honor Student Power Gem |
Ground | Roxanne (Fall 2023) & Runerigus | Tech | Menacing Memories Ground Impact |
Fighting | Brawly & Hariyama | Tech | Arm Thrust of Mighty Waves |
Fire | Flannery & Torkoal | Tech | Fiery Passion Overheat |
Normal | Norman & Slaking | Striker | Power-Chasing Giga Impact |
Flying | Winona & Pelipper | Tech | Flyaway Air Cutter |
Psychic | Tate & Solrock | Striker | Zen Hedbutt of Duality |
Steel | Tate (Summer 2023) & Jirachi | Tech | Friends Forever Steel Beam |
Psychic | Liza & Lunatone | Support | Psychic of Duality |
Flying | Liza (Summer 2023) & Celesteela | Striker | Forever Friends Flying Impact |
Ghost | Phoebe & Dusknoir | Support | Lonely Flower Shadow Punch |
Ghost | Phoebe (Fall 2023) & Cofagrigus | Support | Glimmering Gold Ghost Impact |
Dragon | Drake & Salamence | Support | Righteous Heart Dragon Claw |
Bug | Noland & Pinsir | Striker | Factory Head X-Scissor |
Bug | Noland & Ninjask | Sprint | Knowledge from Experience Bug Impact |
Water | Barry & Empoleon | Striker | Late Fee Bubble Beam |
Grass | Barry & Roserade | Support | Grow Up Right Grass Beam |
Bug | Barry (Special Costume) & Heracross | Striker | Master's Legacy Bug Impact |
Water | Barry and Floatzel | Sprint | I Want a Theme Song Water Impact |
Rock | Roark & Rampardos | Striker | Rock Head Smash |
Grass | Gardenia & Roserade | Striker | Vivid Leaf Storm |
Ghost | Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise | Field | Courageous Strides Ghost Beam |
Fighting | Maylene & Medicham | Support | Barefoot High Jump Kick |
Water | Crasher Wake & Floatzel | Tech | Crashdown Aqua Jet |
Ice | Candice & Abomasnow | Tech | All-about-Focus Avalanche |
Ice | Candice & Froslass | Striker | Spine-Chilling Frost Beam |
Ice | Candice (Palentine's 2024) & Galarian Darmanitan | Striker | Flavor of Memories Ice Impact |
Fire | Flint & Infernape | Striker | Burn-It-All Overheat |
Steel | Thorton & Bronzong | Tech | Post-Analysis Flash Cannon |
Steel | Thorton & Magnezone | Field | One Hundred Percent Steel Beam |
Normal | Cheryl & Blissey | Support | Blissful Echo Hyper Voice |
Water | Cheryl and Wailord | Support | Itching for a Battle Water Beam |
Fire | Marley & Arcanine | Support | Grateful Friend Flare Blitz |
Grass | Rosa & Serperior | Support | Shoot for the Stars Leaf Storm |
Flying | Rosa (Holiday 2019) & Delibird | Support | Special Delivery Drill Peck |
Water | Rosa & Dewott | Tech | Entirely Exuberant Water Impact |
Grass | Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin | Tech | Grass Beam of Gratitude |
Psychic | Rosa (Champion) & Meloetta | Support | Sepia Memories Relic Song |
Ground | Clay & Seismitoad | Tech | Rock-Bottom Bulldoze |
Flying | Skyla & Swanna | Support | High-Flying Sky Attack |
Flying | Skyla (Holiday 2020) & Togekiss | Tech | Good Tidings Air Slash |
Flying | Skyla (Anniversary 2022) & Tornadus | Tech | Heartsoaring Hurricane |
Flying | Skyla & Unfezant | Striker | Sky-High Joy Flying Impact |
Ice | Brycen & Cryogonal | Tech | Light, Camera, Ice Shard |
Dragon | Iris & Haxorus | Striker | Dragon Sage Outrage |
Dragon | Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon | Tech | Triple Threat Dragon Rush |
Poison | Iris (Fall 2022) & Naganadel | Tech | With Every Fiber Poison Beam |
Poison | Roxie & Scolipede | Striker | Radical Poison Jab |
Poison | Sygna Suit Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped) | Tech | Rock Them Away Poison Beam |
Water | Marlon & Carracosta | Support | Oversplash Aqua Tail |
Ghost | Shauntal & Chandelure | Striker | Dark Tales of the Shadow Ball |
Ice | Shauntal (Fall 2024) and Froslass | Sprint | Lost Soul on a Snowy Mountain Frost Beam |
Fighting | Marshal & Conkeldurr | Striker | Way-of-the-Warrior Focus Punch |
Rock | Grant & Aurorus | Tech | Crazy Cool Rock Tomb |
Fighting | Korrina & Lucario | Striker | Give-It-All-Ya-Got Power-Up Punch |
Ghost | Sygna Suit Korrina & Marshadow | Tech | Shadow-Shrouded Spectral Thief |
Grass | Ramos & Victreebel | Tech | Old Growth Razor Leaf |
Ice | Wulfric & Avalugg | Striker | Unstoppable Avalanche |
Water | Siebold & Clawitzer | Striker | Water Pulse Du Jour |
Water | Siebold (Holiday 2019) & Octillery | Tech | Gourmet Octazooka |
Steel | Wikstrom & Aegislash | Tech | Shining Knight Iron Head |
Electric | Hau & Alolan Raichu | Striker | Endless Summer Gigavolt Havoc |
Electric | Sygna Suit Hau & Tapu Koko | Tech | Thundering Deity Gigavolt Havoc |
Electric | Sophocles & Togedemaru | Tech | Whiz Kid Gigavolt Havoc |
Electric | Sophocles & Alolan Golem | Striker | Full-Throttle Electric Impact |
Fairy | Mina & Granbull | Tech | Wandering Artist Twinkle Tackle |
Fairy | Sygna Suit Mina & Tapu Fini | Support | Ocean Colors Twinkle Tackle |
Rock | Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight) | Striker | Shining Gem Continental Crush |
Rock | Olivia & Carbink | Rugged & Adorable Rock Impact | |
Ground | Hapu & Mudsdale | Striker | Ultimately Worthy Tectonic Rage |
Flying | Kahili & Toucannon | Striker | Supersonic Skystrike Drive |
Bug | Viola & Masquerain | Tech | Silver Wind Victory Shot |
Bug | Viola (Holiday 2023) & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern) | Field | Mystical Icy Snow Dance Bug Beam |
Dark | Nanu & Alolan Persian | Tech | Dark Authority Black Hole Eclipse |
Poison | Koga & Crobat | Tech | Modern Ninja Sludge Bomb |
Ghost | Acerola & Palossand | Tech | Never-Ending Royal Nightmare |
Ghost | Acerola (Fall 2020) & Mimikyu | Tech | Trick-or-Treat Shadow Claw |
Ghost | Acerola & Banette | Support | Say Cheese Ghost Impact |
Grass | Sygna Suit Acerola & Tapu Bulu | Support | Gentle Warning Bloom Doom |
Ghost | Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent | Support | Full-Moon Ocean Invite Ghost Beam |
Normal | Cheren & Stoutland | Support | Fundamental Takedown |
Flying | Cheren (Champion) & Tornadus | Tech | Wall For Challengers Bleakwind Storm |
Dark | Cheren & Purrloin | Tech | Toward My Ideals Dark Beam |
Dark | Cheren and Liepard | Sprint | Learning Who I Am Dark Beam |
Flying | Blue & Pidgeot | Striker | World-Swallowing Hurricane |
Water | Sygna Suit Blue & Blastoise | Support | Triumphant Hydro Cannon |
Rock | Blue (Classic) & Aerodactyl | Striker | No Competition Stone Edge |
Fire | Blue & Arcanine | Striker | Top Dog Fire Beam |
Grass | Blue & Exeggutor | Support | Knock Ya Down Grass Impact |
Electric | Blue (Champion) & Zapdos | Support | Name-Echoing Thunder |
Fire | Blue (Classic) & Charizard | Field | Burning Rivalry Fire Beam |
Psychic | Blue and Alakazam | Sprint | Beat Them All Psychic Beam |
Grass | Lyra & Meganium | Support | Heart of Gold Leaf Storm |
Fairy | Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff | Striker | Cute Factor Disarming Voice |
Grass | Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi | Tech | Time-Transcending Magical Leaf |
Water | Lyra & Vaporeon | Tech | Overflowing Curiosity Water Beam |
Ground | Lyra (Special Costume) & Phanpy | Support | Darling Deception Ground Impact |
Water | Hilbert & Samurott | Support | The True Razor Shell |
Dark | Hilbert (Fall 2020) & Mightyena | Striker | Bump-in-the-Night Crunch |
Bug | Sygna Suit Hilbert & Genesect | Tech | Aim for Victory Bug Buzz |
Ice | Hilbert and Glaceon | Tech | Sharp and Icy Determination Frost Beam |
Fire | Hilda & Emboar | Striker | Battle Fanatic Heat Crash |
Rock | Hilda (Special Costume) & Diancie | Striker | Princess Power Rock Impact |
Fighting | Hilda (Summer 2022) & Grapploct | Support | Never Give Up Fighting Impact |
Fire | Sygna Suit Hilda & Victini | Striker | Infinite Energy V-Create |
Grass | Hilda and Leafeon | Tech | Sun-Grown Fighting Spirit Grass Impact |
Electric | Elesa & Zebstrika | Striker | Shining Spotlight Wild Bolt |
Electric | Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom | Support | High Fashion Thunderbolt |
Electric | Elesa (Classic) & Emolga | Tech | Showstopping Electric Beam |
Electric | Elesa & Joltik | Support | Dazzingly Bright Electric Beam |
Flying | Elesa (Palentine's 2023) & Togetic | Striker | Sugary Beauty Flying Impact |
Psychic | Caitlin & Reuniclus | Striker | Broken Sleep Psychic |
Dark | Caitlin (Fall 2021) & Sableye | Support | Eerie Eyes Dark Impact |
Psychic | Calem & Meowstic | Tech | Mind-Bending Psychic |
Dark | Calem (Champion) & Greninja | Support | Shrouded Night SlashUnseen Water Shuriken |
Fire | Calem & Fennekin | Striker | Friendly Rivalry Fire Beam |
Fairy | Calem and Sylveon | Tech | Fighting Alongside You Fairy Beam |
Ice | Glacia & Glalie | Support | Glacial Freeze-Dry |
Dark | Grimsley & Liepard | Tech | Card Shark Night Slash |
Water | Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo | Striker | High-Stakes Liquidation |
Steel | Grimsley (Kimono) & Bisharp | Tech | Coin Flip of Destiny Iron Head |
Psychic | Giovanni & Mewtwo | Striker | World Domination Psystrike |
Ground | Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking | Striker | Unstoppable Ambition Ground Impact |
Normal | Giovanni (Classic) & Persian | Support | Perfectly Evil Normal Impact |
Ground | Giovanni & Rhydon | Field | Remembering the Past Ground Impact |
Poison | Giovanni & Nidorino | Support | World-Eroding Poison Impact |
Dark | Sygna Suit Giovanni (Alt.) and Guzzlord | Support | Crunch That Satisfies the Insatiable |
Fire | Ethan & Typhlosion | Striker | Fierce Flames Eruption |
Flying | Sygna Suit Ethan & Lugia | Striker | Shining Soul Aeroblast |
Normal | Leaf & Eevee | Support | Endless Possibilities Extreme Evoboost |
Grass | Sygna Suit Leaf & Venusaur | Tech | Tenacious Frenzy Plant |
Fire | Leaf (Champion) & Moltres | Tech | Burning Love Fire Blast |
Fairy | Leaf & Clefable | Support | Rarely Seen Fairy Beam |
Water | Leaf and Blastoise | Field | Kaboom Kaboom Water Beam |
Dragon | Lance & Dragonite | Striker | Unrivaled Outrage |
Flying | Lance (New Year's 2021) & Gyarados | Striker | Rising Dragon Flying Impact |
Dragon | Lance & Dragonair | Tech | Virtually Unstoppable Dragon Beam |
Dragon | Arc Suit Lance and Dragonite | Multi | Heroic Ascension Divine Outrage |
Dragon | Lance and Kingdra | Support | Legendary Dragon Beam |
Ground | Cynthia & Garchomp | Striker | Earthquake of Ancient Lore |
Dragon | Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o | Striker | Historymaker Clanging Scales |
Ghost | Sygna Suit Cynthia (Renegade) & Giratina | Tech | Renegade Shadow Force |
Ground | Cynthia & Gastrodon (West Sea) | Support | Living Relic Ground Impact |
Fighting | Sygna Suit Cynthia (Aura) & Lucario | Support | Learn by Battle Aura Sphere |
Ground | Arc Suit Cynthia and Garchomp | Multi | Cataclysmic Divine Earthquake |
Rock | Professor Kukui & Lycanroc (Midday) | Tech | Island Splintered Stormshards |
Dragon | Zinnia & Rayquaza | Striker | Dimensional Defender Draco Meteor |
Dragon | Zinnia & Salamence | Tech | New Beginning Dragon Impact |
Dark | Zinnia (Special Costume) & Thievul | Tech | Steal the Win Dark Impact |
Steel | Steven & Metagross | Striker | Solid Steel Meteor Mash |
Ice | Steven (Summer 2020) & Alolan Sandslash | Striker | Too Cool Icicle Crash |
Flying | Steven (Anniversary 2021) & Rayquaza | Striker | Triumph and Glory Dragon Ascent |
Psychic | Sygna Suit Steven & Deoxys | Tech | Space Rocks Psycho Boost |
Normal | Steven (Special Costume) & Stoutland (Shiny) | Tech | Illuminating Normal Impact |
Rock | Steven & Cradily | Tech | Agent of the Ancient Rock Beam |
Steel | Arc Suit Steven and Metagross | Multi | Polished Steel Divine Meteor Mash |
Psychic | Professor Oak & Mew | Tech | Pokemon Professor Psychic |
Poison | Professor Oak and Nidorino | Support | Your Tale Unfolds Poison Impact |
Fairy | Valerie & Sylveon | Striker | Fashionista Dazzling Gleam |
Fairy | Valerie & Mawile | Striker | So Enchanting Fairy Impact |
Normal | Red & Snorlax | Support | Heaviest Sleeper Normal Impact |
Fire | Sygna Suit Red & Charizard | Striker | Living Legend Blast Burn |
Electric | Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt) & Pikachu | Tech | Lightning-Fast Volt Tackle |
Ice | Red (Champion) & Articuno | Striker | Silence of the Raging Blizzard |
Grass | Red & Venusaur | Field | Silent Overgrowth Grass Beam |
Psychic | Sabrina & Alakazam | Support | ESP Prodigy Psywave |
Psychic | Sabrina (New Year's 2022) & Chingling | Support | Peace and Tranquility Psychic Beam |
Ghost | Fantina & Mismagius | Striker | Soulful Dancer Shadow Ball |
Poison | Plumeria & Salazzle | Striker | Wicked Enforcer Acid Downpour |
Poison | Plumeria & Gengar | Sprint | Ready to Go Acid Downpour |
Bug | Guzma & Golisopod | Striker | Your Boy's X-Scissor |
Fighting | Guzma (Special Costume) & Buzzwole | Strike | Beatdown Boss Fighting Impact |
Bug | Guzma & Ariados | Support | Shake Things Up Savage Spin-Out |
Electric | Clemont & Heliolisk | Tech | Light-Up-the-World Thunderbolt |
Electric | Clemont & Magneton | Support | Thanks to Science Electric Impact |
Water | Wallace & Milotic | Tech | Aquatic Prince Hydro Pump |
Fire | Wallace (New Year's 2024) & Blacephalon | Field | Burning Elegant Fire Beam |
Fire | Silver & Ho-Oh | Striker | Power-Hungry Sacred Fire |
Water | Silver & Feraligatr | Tech | Whirls of Solitude Water Impact |
Ice | Sygna Suit Silver & Sneasel | Tech | Strong for Your Sake Triple Axel |
Rock | Silver (Champion) & Tyranitar | Striker | Emotional Resolve Rock Slide |
Flying | Silver and Crobat | Field | Believe in You More Flying Beam |
Fighting | Wally & Gallade | Striker | Rallying Close Combat |
Fairy | Sygna Suit Wally & Gardevoir | Tech | Take on the World Dazzling Gleam |
Normal | Wally & Delcatty | Support | Becoming Stronger Normal Impact |
Dragon | Wally & Altaria | Sprint | Much, Much Stronger Dragon Impact |
Steel | Jasmine & Steelix | Support | Steel-Clad Iron Tail |
Steel | Jasmine (Special Costume) & Celesteela | Support | Iron Will Steel Beam |
Electric | Jasmine (Holiday 2022) & Ampharos | Support | Snowy Night's Guide Electric Beam |
Steel | Jasmine & Magnemite | Support | Hard Cold Sharp Strong Steel Impact |
Grass | Dawn & Torterra | Support | New Dawn Wood Hammer |
Fairy | Dawn (Palentine's 2021) & Alcremie | Tech | Whipped Cream Fairy Beam |
Psychic | Sygna Suit Dawn & Cresselia | Support | Nightmares Begone Lunar Dance |
Type | Trainer | Role | Unique Sync Move |
Bug | Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak) | Support | Plant Power Bug Impact |
Ghost | Dawn (New Year's 2023) & Oricorio (Sensu Style) | Tech | Elegant Celebration Ghost Beam |
Bug | Burgh & Leavanny | Striker | Insectible Struggle Bug |
Fairy | Burgh (Spring 2021) & Togepi | Support | Color of Joy Fairy Impact |
Fire | Serena & Delphox | Tech | Mystical Fire of Positivity |
Fairy | Serena (Palentine's 2021) & Whimsicott | Tech | Semisweet Fairy Beam |
Dragon | Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde | Striker | Ecosystem Core Enforcer |
Water | Serena (Champion) & Greninja | Tech | Vivid Water ShurikenSerious Night Slash |
Flying | Serena & Fletchling | Tech | First Flight Flying Impact |
Poison | Jessie & Arbok | Striker | Prepare for Trouble Acid |
Poison | Lucy & Seviper | Tech | Pike Queen Poison Fang |
Ghost | Morty & Drifblim | Striker | Mystic Seer Phantom Force |
Ghost | Morty & Mismagius | Support | Tales of Mystery Ghost Beam |
Ghost | Morty (Fall 2021) & Banette | Tech | Midnight Fright Ghost Impact |
Fire | Sygna Suit Morty & Ho-Oh | Support | Rainbow-Hued Sacred Fire |
Ghost | Morty & Gastly | Support | See What Others Cannot Ghost Beam |
Dragon | Cyrus & Palkia | Striker | Emotional Void Spacial Rend |
Dark | Sygna Suit Cyrus & Darkrai | Tech | Perfect World Dark Pulse |
Bug | Lusamine & Pheromosa | Striker | Motherly Love Savage Spin-Out |
Psychic | Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma | Striker | Loving Light That Burns the Sky |
Grass | Lusamine and Lilligant | Striker | Even More Beautiful Grass Beam |
Normal | Gladion & Silvally | Tech | Audacious Multi-Attack |
Poison | Gladion & Golbat | Support | Best Moves Poison Impact |
Fairy | Sygna Suit Gladion & Magearna | Striker | Gentle Souls Fleur Cannon |
Ice | Gladion & Weavile | Field | See More of the World Ice Impact |
Fairy | Lillie & Clefairy | Support | Full-Force Challenger Moonblast |
Bug | Lillie (New Year's 2021) & Ribombee | Support | Bee-autiful Bug Impact |
Ghost | Lillie (Anniversary 2021) & Lunala | Strike | Shining Hope Moongeist Beam |
Ghost | Lillie (Special Costume) & Polteageist | Support | Curious Flavor Ghost Beam |
Fairy | Lillie & Comfey | Tech | Vibrant Fairy Beam |
Steel | Lillie (Anniversary 2024) and Solgaleo | Sprint | Wholesome Heart Searing Sunraze Smash |
Fairy | Lillie (Holiday 2024) and Primarina | Sprint | Beautiful Dancing Songstress Fairy Beam |
Poison | James & Weezing | Tech | Make it Double Sludge |
Electric | Volkner & Luxray | Tech | Star Shock Thunder Fang |
Electric | Volkner (New Year's 2022) & Electivire | Striker | Hope and Happiness Electric Beam |
Electric | Volkner & Raichu | Tech | Thrilling Battles Electric Beam |
Steel | Molayne & Alolan Dugtrio | Striker | Supernova Corkscrew Crash |
Dragon | Lisia & Altaria | Tech | Miracle Idol Draco Meteor |
Fairy | Lisia (New Year's 2023) & Galarian Rapidash | Striker | Dream It, Be It Fairy Impact |
Bug | Alder & Volcarona | Striker | Voyager's Bug Buzz |
Flying | Nate & Braviary | Striker | Bravest Brave Bird |
Dragon | Nate (Champion) & Haxorus | Striker | Resonating Will Dragon Claw |
Psychic | Bianca & Musharna | Tech | Truth-Seeking Future Sight |
Fighting | Bianca (Champion) & Virizion | Striker | Steps to a New Path Sacred Sword |
Steel | Gloria & Zacian | Striker | Glorious Behemoth Blade |
Water | Gloria (Summer 2021) & Inteleon | Striker | Summer Soaking Water Beam |
Water | Gloria (Dojo Uniform) & Urshifu | Tech | Rapid Mastery Water Impact |
Grass | Gloria & Thwackey | Striker | Spice It Up Grass Impact |
Fire | Gloria (Gym Uniform) & Cinderace | Striker | Ace of the Team Fire Impact |
Electric | N & Zekrom | Striker | Bridging Bolt Strike |
Fire | N (Anniversary 2021) & Reshiram | Tech | Blue Flare to Change the World |
Dark | N (Summer 2022) & Zoroark | Striker | Defender of Dreams Dark Beam |
Psychic | N & Sigilyph | Tech | Steadfast Memories Psychic Beam |
Ice | Sygna Suit N & Black Kyurem | Tech | World-Changing Freeze Shock |
Water | May & Swampert | Tech | Best Buddy Muddy Water |
Normal | May (Spring 2021) & Lopunny | Striker | Heart-Thumping Normal Impact |
Psychic | May (Anniversary 2022) & Latias | Tech | Friendship Forging Mist Ball |
Fire | Sygna Suit May & Blaziken | Tech | All About Us Blaze Kick |
Water | May & Wailmer | Striker | Big Ol' Splash Water Beam |
Grass | Mallow & Tsareena | Tech | Bold-Flavored Bloom Doom |
Dragon | Mallow (Palentine's 2023) & Appletun | Support | Quality Ingredients Dragon Beam |
Grass | Mallow & Shiinotic | Support | Strong Kick to It Bloom Doom |
Flying | Lysandre & Yveltal | Striker | Cleansing Oblivion Wing |
Water | Sygna Suit Lysandre & Volcanion | Striker | Nation Creation Hydro Pump |
Fairy | Professor Sycamore & Xerneas | Support | Gentlemanly Geomancy |
Grass | Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur | Striker | Bon Voyage Grass Beam |
Grass | Professor Sycamore (Holiday 2023) & Gogoat | Support | Gallop with Glee Grass Impact |
Dark | Piers & Obstagoon | Support | No Encores Throat Chop |
Electric | Sygna Suit Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key) | Striker | Lightning & Blues Overdrive |
Fire | Leon & Charizard | Striker | Champion Time Fire Blast |
Dragon | Sygna Suit Leon & Eternatus | Striker | Eternal Champion Dragon Beam |
Ice | Leon (Holiday 2021) & Ice Rider Calyrex | Striker | Crowned Champion Ice Impact |
Dragon | Leon (Battle Tower) & Dragapult | Tech | Rise to the Peak Dragon Impact |
Fire | Arc Suit Leon and Charizard | Multi | Fiery Determination Divine Fire Blast |
Electric | Marnie & Morpeko | Tech | Hangry Wild Charge |
Fairy | Marnie (Summer 2021) & Grimmsnarl | Tech | Kickback Summer Fairy Impact |
Steel | Marnie (Palentine's 2022) & Mawile | Tech | Sweetheart Steel Impact |
Poison | Marnie & Toxicroak | Tech | Get You Goin' Poison Beam |
Dark | Marnie (Champion) & Galarian Moltres | Striker | Distaste for Defeat Fiery Wrath |
Dark | Marnie & Scrafty | Field | We Aren't Givin' Up Dark Impact |
Fire | Marnie and Cinderace | Field | Stoked by Cheers Fire Impact |
Fairy | Diantha & Gardevoir | Striker | Master Thespian Moonblast |
Fighting | Diantha (Special Costume) & Keldeo (Resolute) | Tech | Shining Valor Fighting Beam |
Rock | Sygna Suit Diantha & Diancie | Tech | Noble Beauty Diamond Storm |
Grass | Selene & Decidueye | Striker | Moonlight Leaf Blade |
Dark | Selene & Umbreon | Tech | Floating High Black Hole Eclipse |
Steel | Selene (Special Costume) & Scizor | Field | Cute Quirks Continental Crush |
Rock | Selene (Alt.) and Nihilego | Striker | Crushing Red Justice Steel Impact |
Water | Elio & Primarina | Support | Sunshine Oceanic Operetta |
Psychic | Elio & Espeon | Tech | Shining High Shattered Psyche |
Rock | Elio (Alt.) and Stakataka | Support | Stacked-Up Emotions Continental Crush |
Steel | Raihan & Duraludon | Striker | Storm Clout Steel Beam |
Dragon | Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon | Tech | Desert Spirit Dragon Beam |
Rock | Raihan & Gigalith | Tech | Smashing Rock Impact |
Ground | Raihan (New Year's 2025) and Sandaconda | Support | Snapping Up Likes Ground Impact |
Ice | Ghetsis & Kyurem | Tech | Absolute Zero Glaciate |
Water | Nessa & Drednaw | Tech | Flood the Stadium Liquidation |
Ice | Nessa (Holiday 2021) & Eiscue | Tech | Naughty or Noice Ice Impact |
Fighting | Bea & Sirfetch'd | Striker | Worthy Foe Meteor Assault |
Ice | Bea (Palentine's 2022) & Vanilluxe | Support | Sweet Tooth Ice Impact |
Ground | Maxie & Groudon | Striker | Groundbreaking Precipice Blades |
Water | Archie & Kyogre | Striker | Aqua Planet Origin Pulse |
Water | Lana & Araquanid | Support | Seaside Sister Hydro Vortex |
Psychic | Sygna Suit Lana & Tapu Lele | Striker | Guileless Jest Shattered Psyche |
Water | Lana and Lanturn | Support | Emotions in the Vast Sea Water Beam |
Fire | Kiawe & Alolan Marowak | Support | Fire Dance Inferno Overdrive |
Fire | Kiawe & Arcanine | Tech | Dancing Together Inferno Overdrive |
Ice | Hala & Crabominable | Striker | Abominable Ice Hammer |
Dark | The Masked Royal & Incineroar | Tech | Heel Turn Malicious Moonsault |
Ground | Ingo & Excadrill | Support | No Brakes Drill Run |
Bug | Ingo (Special Costume) & Accelgor | Tech | Express Line Bug Impact |
Ghost | Sygna Suit Ingo and Chandelure | Sprint | Arrival at the Greatest Battle Ghost Ray |
Rock | Emmet & Archeops | Striker | Full Speed Stone Edge |
Bug | Emmet (Special Costume) & Escavalier | Striker | Victory Joust Bug Impact |
Electric | Sygna Suit Emmet and Eelektross | Field | The Best, Perfect Electric Impact |
Fire | Evelyn & Entei | Support | Shy Sister Fire Impact |
Psychic | Lear & Hoopa | Tech | Singularity Hyperspace Hole |
Steel | Sygna Suit Lear and Gholdengo | Sprint | King’s Golden Authority Make It Rain |
Dark | Lear and Krookodile | Tech | Poetic Justice Dark Impact |
Dark | Rachel & Umbreon | Support | Hellooo Feint Attack |
Ghost | Rachel and Gimmighoul | Support | Roaming in the Dark Ghost Beam |
Dark | Sawyer & Honchkrow | Support | Staunch Ally Night Slash |
Ghost | Sawyer and Gimmighoul | Support | Treasured Family Heirloom Ghost Beam |
Flying | Falkner & Swellow | Support | Magnificent Winds Aerial Ace |
Flying | Falkner & Pidgeot | Tech | Cherished Memories Flying Beam |
Flying | Falkner & Noctowl | Support | Silent Wings Flying Beam |
Dark | Sidney & Absol | Tech | Most Excellent Night Slash |
Steel | Hop & Zamazenta | Support | Big Dreams Behemoth Bash |
Fighting | Hop (Champion) & Galarian Zapdos | Tech | Strongest Professor Thunderous Kick |
Grass | Hop and Rillaboom | Field | Valuing Team Harmony Grass Impact |
Electric | Hop and Pincurchin | Field | Pin It Down Electric Impact |
Ghost | Allister & Gengar | Tech | Silent Mystery Ghost Beam |
Ghost | Allister (Fall 2022) & Gourgeist | Support | Matching Masks Ghost Beam |
Flying | Darach & Staraptor | Tech | Loyal Butler Brave Bird |
Electric | Sonia & Yamper | Support | Goodest Boy Wild Charge |
Grass | Sonia (Special Costume) & Tsareena | Striker | Haughty Laugh Grass Impact |
Dragon | Lucas & Dialga | Tech | Illuminating Roar of Time |
Fire | Lucas & Flareon | Tech | Red-Hot Research Fire Beam |
Ground | Lucas and Torterra | Field | Unshakable Determination Ground Impact |
Bug | Aaron & Vespiquen | Support | Perfect Swarm Attack Order |
Ground | Bertha & Hippowdon | Tech | Team Effort Earthquake |
Psychic | Lucian & Girafarig | Tech | Psychic Epilogue |
Fairy | Bede & Hatterene | Tech | Most Elite Fairy Beam |
Psychic | Bede (Champion) & Galarian Articuno | Support | Always Winning Freezing Glare |
Water | Bede and Inteleon | Field | Sharpshooting Judgment Water Beam |
Poison | Looker & Croagunk | Striker | Hard-Boiled Poison Jab |
Ground | Courtney & Camerupt | Tech | Analysis Complete Earthquake |
Electric | Ash & Pikachu | Striker | Best Buds 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt |
Ground | Nita & Landorus (Incarnate Form) | Support | Spunky Sis Ground Impact |
Ground | Naomi & Sandslash | Striker | Must-See Ground Beam |
Rock | Gordie & Coalossal | Tech | Stylish Hard Rock Impact |
Ice | Melony & Lapras | Support | Chilling Invitation Frost Beam |
Grass | Victor & Rillaboom | Striker | Strategically Sound Grass Impact |
Ghost | Victor & Spectrier | Field | Night Dash Ghost Beam |
Normal | Victor (Palentine's 2024) & Greedent | Support | The Joys of Cooking Normal Impact |
Ghost | Helena & Haunter | Tech | Scary-but-True Ghost Beam |
Normal | Hugh & Bouffalant | Striker | Trusted Partners Head Charge |
Flying | Hugh & Unfezant | Sprint | Crush 'Em All Flying Beam |
Steel | Colress & Klinklang | Tech | Potential-Surpassing Gear Grind |
Fairy | Kali & Azumarill | Support | Beautiful Design Fairy Beam |
Grass | Shauna & Chesnaught | Support | Thorny Needle Arm |
Steel | Shauna (Special Costume) & Klefki | Support | Piece It Together Steel Beam |
Normal | Shauna and Delcatty | Tech | Traveling Together Normal Impact |
Normal | Anabel & Snorlax | Support | Case Completer Normal Impact |
Poison | Emma & Crobat | Striker | Case Closed Cross Poison |
Poison | Ball Guy & Amoonguss | Support | Full of Surprises Poison Beam |
Grass | Adaman & Leafeon | Tech | Accelerating Time Razor Leaf |
Water | Adaman & Vaporeon | Support | Come On Already Water Beam |
Ground | Adaman (Special Costume) & Ursaluna | Striker | Moonlit Moves Ground Impact |
Ice | Irida & Glaceon | Tech | Great Wide World Ice Beam |
Fire | Irida & Flareon | Tech | Can't Stand the Swelter Fire Impact |
Ghost | Irida (Special Costume) & Hisuian Zoroark | Striker | Dancing to the Flute Ghost Beam |
Water | Eusine & Suicune | Striker | Dignified Dash Hydro Pump |
Steel | Chairman Rose & Copperajah | Striker | Millennium from Now Steel Impact |
Steel | Rose and Perrserker | Tech | For a Prosperous Galar Steel Impact |
Poison | Oleana & Garbodor | Tech | Still Good with It Poison Impact |
Psychic | Olympia & Sigilyph | Tech | Starlight Path Psychic |
Dragon | Drasna & Dragalge | Tech | Infinite Smile Dragon Pulse |
Electric | Nemona & Pawmot | Sprint | Coming to Fruition Double Shock |
Rock | Nemona & Lycanroc (Midday) | Field | Happy to Go All Out Rock Impact |
Fairy | Sygna Suit Nemona and Scream Tail | Striker | Nicely Rampagey Play Rough |
Ice | Dana & Regice | Support | Competitve Sister Frost Beam |
Rock | Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk) | Sprint | On the Path Together Rock Impact |
Fire | Tina & Flareon | Support | Warm Feelings Fire Impact |
Dark | Archer & Houndoom | Sprint | Regaining Evil Glory Dark Impact |
Poison | Ariana & Arbok | Tech | Punish the Meddlers Poison Impact |
Poison | Petrel & Weezing | Striker | Deceiving Disguise Poison Beam |
Flying | Proton & Golbat | Support | Scariest & Cruelest Flying Beam |
Normal | Palmer & Regigigas | Striker | Towering Tower Tycoon Normal Impact |
Steel | Argenta & Skarmory | Support | Shining Favorite Steel Impact |
Dark | Akari & Hisuian Samurott | Field | Master Crafter Ceaseless Edge |
Fighting | Rei & Hisuian Decidueye | Sprint | Space-Time Traveler Triple Arrows |
Normal | Lenora & Watchog | Support | Museum Director Normal Impact |
Dragon | Ryuki & Turtonator | Tech | Fiery Spirit Dragon Beam |
Fairy | Penny & Sylveon | Support | Bright Hacker's Disarming Voice |
Normal | Elaine & Eevee | Support | Partner Promenade Veevee Volley |
Normal | Eve & Eevee | Tech | Double Eevee Normal Beam |
Fairy | Katherine & Slurpuff | Tech | Beautiful Determination Fairy Beam |
Electric | Iono & Bellibolt | Support | Supercharged Streamer Zap Cannon |
Electric | Iono and Wattrel | Support | Electrify ’Em Electric Beam |
Ghost | Iono (Fall 2024) and Flutter Mane | Striker | Buzzworthy Mystery Ghost Beam |
Ice | Grusha & Cetitan | Support | Sub-zero Shredder Avalanche |
Electric | Chase & Pikachu | Support | Running With My Partner Pika Papow |
Electric | Petey & Pikachu | Tech | Double Pikachu Electric Beam |
Fighting | Riley & Lucario | Sprint | Aura Driven Fighting Impact |
Poison | Geeta & Glimmora | Field | Top Champion's Guidance Mortal Spin |
Dark | Tierno & Crawdaunt | Support | Best Dance Team Dark Impact |
Fire | Tierno and Talonflame | Field | Can’t Help Dancing Fire Beam |
Water | Dahlia & Ludicolo | Tech | Smiling Arcade Star Water Beam |
Fairy | Volo & Togepi | Field | Ruin Enthusiast Merchant Dazzling Beam |
Ground | Volo & Gible | Striker | Led by Curiosity Ground Impact |
Psychic | Jacq & Farigiraf | Tech | Laid-Back Biology Teacher Twin Beam |
Ground | Rika & Clodsire | Support | Paldea League Interviewer Earth Power |
Ground | Rika & Whiscash | Tech | Testing Mind & Aptitude Ground Beam |
Dark | Brycen-Man & Zoroark | Tech | Dye This World Dark Beam |
Psychic | Bellelba & Swoobat | Support | Rule the Enchanted Land Psychic Impact |
Steel | Poppy & Tinkaton | Striker | Solid Shiny Gold Steel Impact |
Steel | Poppy (New Year's 2025) and Steelix | Field | Steel-Hard Strength Gigaton Hammer |
Normal | Larry & Dudunsparce | Sprint | Exceptional Everyman Hyper Drill |
Fire | Kabu & Centiskorch | Support | Ever-Burning Man Fire Impact |
Fire | Kabu & Torkoal | Support | Burn Upwards, Aim Higher Fire Beam |
Poison | Klara & Galarian Slowbro | Tech | Colorful, Caring, & Charismatic Poison Beam |
Psychic | Avery & Galarian Slowking | Field | Elegant Psychic Beam |
Grass | Greta & Breloom | Sprint | Mind-Skill-Body Mastery Grass Impact |
Dark | Arven and Mabosstiff | Support | Chef’s Spicy Comeuppance |
Rock | Arven and Nacli | Support | Serving a Salty Defeat Rock Impact |
Fire | Malva and Talonflame | Sprint | Fiery Reporter Fire Impact |
Fighting | Chuck and Poliwrath | Striker | Roaring Fists Fighting Impact |
Fairy | Trevor and Florges | Support | Perfect Test Scores Fairy Beam |
Dark | Giacomo and Kingambit | Striker | Earnest DJ Vice’s Kowtow Cleave |
Water | Clavell and Quaquaval | Sprint | Occasionally Strict Director’s Aqua Step |
Fighting | Eri and Annihilape | Support | Great Infernal Cross Chop |
Ice | Sina and Glaceon | Sprint | Beautifully Beautiful Subzero Slammer |
Psychic | Dexio and Espeon | Tech | Pokémon-Voyage Veteran Shattered Psyche |
Grass | Milo and Eldegoss | Support | Fighting Farmer Grass Impact |
Fairy | Blossom (Furisode Girl) and Kirlia | Tech | Beautiful Blossoms Fairy Beam |
Fire | Mela and Armarouge | Sprint | Explosive All-Rounder Armor Cannon |
Poison | Atticus and Revavroom | Support | Designer’s Way of the Ninja Gunk Shot |