Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

TUESDAY EVENING afclantr Ctfuiine SEPTEMBER 25, -1923 23 SHOULD CAVE LIFE CARE LI s-yielSbiSw Earthquake Cost In Japan Totals 513 Per Capita PAY, PASTOR SAYS TO CHD WITNESS IV 1 Mexico to Be Sued Over Man's Death SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 25. Zeb E. Jones, formerly connected with the United States Counsular service In Mexico, today was appointed by Jude Thomas S. Graham, administrator of the estate of Otto Lamb, Lamb who was a mining man of Oakland and San Francisco died In Mexico on September 9, 1919, ot injuries incurred when he was kidnaped by Mexican bandits. His principal estate consists of a claim by his widow, Hilda, and her sojt Elmer against the Mexican government for his death.

Lam was abducted by bandits and held for ransom. Later hla wife and son were kidnaped and also were held for ransom. When the money was not paid, according rJT WA SH I NGTT7N ANN AY 5vTREETAT Total Is 22 Millions Less Than Figures of 1921, ONLV TWO-DAy-A-WEEK FREE MARKETIN UAKLAllU Mrs. Jennie Senecal in Defense of Suit for Gifts, Blames THIS IS THE Dr. John Snape, of the First Baptist Church, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of Oakland Post No.

5, American Leglqn. Dr. Snape, who recently returned from Europe, took as his subject the conditions in post war Europe today. "I noticed more children in Paris," he said, "In need of meat to ea.t, thnn In Berlin or nearly any other German city. It la my opinion that Germany, for the good of clvHization and the world, should begin desDerately to pay up Tables Show.

125 TENANTS PLEN TY OF COMPETITION WASHINGTON, Sept 15. Japan's financial loss' In the re cent earthquake disaster averages about per capita of its population, according to by the far eastern division of the commerce department Material damage amounts to $1,000,000,000 according to department figures. If the Japanese nation adds that amount to its present public debt of $1,913,000,000, Ito total per capita indebtedness will be about $38, as compared' with a per capita indebtedness Jor the United States of $211 and Great Britain $733. The cotton-spinning Industry) located largely in the earthquake sone sustained the most serious physical destruction. About 600,000 cotton spindles or between ten and fifteen per cent of the total number of spindles ordinarily employed by Japanese cotton spinners, were destroyed.

jAnnnpRA ai 1 lr nrnlnptlnn nrtll GIVEN AWAY TC Pipe Every Saturday 6:15 pm rnr debts." (to testimony in Judge Graham's court today, the bandits cut off Dr. Snape discussed briefly conversations which he had held with military and other officials In several of the European countries, quoting both the German as well, as Ulied points of view. In closing he said: "I believe we are in a precarious ONE New Model 1924 FORD ONE New Model 1924 FORD be little hampered, the estimates Compilation of the final returns from the mineral producers of California for 1923 by' the statistical division of the Mining under the direction of Lloyd L. Boot, state mlneraloslet, -shows the total Value for the year to have been $245,183,826. being a of 122,973.648 from the 192,1 total of $268,157,472.

There 63 different mineral sub-stances, exclusive of a segregation -of the various stones grouped tinder gems, and all of tne 68 coun-f of the state contributed to the The salient features of 1922 "Compared with the preceding year, 'SWere: The continued increase in yield, although of lower prices per barrel increases in '-copper, lead, natural gas, brick and tile, and crushed rock; and decreases in gold, silver, cement and petroleum values. The net result was a decrease in the grand total of all group's of nearly, $23,000,000, 'as stated above, Petroleum accounted for a decrease of in total value, although there Tickets given free at all stands in the market Mrs. Jenni; Senecal was a witness in her own behalf today, in Superior Judge James G. Quinn's court, in the suit brought against her by the Oakland Bank, as guardian of the estate of Mrs. Mary Griffin, to set aside deeds to certain property and to compel Mrs.

Senecal to return money gifts aggregating $6000. It Is charged in the complaint that the money and property were obtained by Mrs. Senecal from Mrs. Griffin while the latter subjected to undue Influence by the former. Mrs.

Griffin was declared incompetent in court proceedings last year and the bank was named guardian of her estate. Mrs. Senecal, who is the granddaughter of Mrs. Griffin, described her life with her grandparent, saying that she had been force to remain a close companion of the aged woman and had never been able to leave the house except in Mrs. Griffin's company.

She said the only time from -childhood she was nabled to leave the house without Mrs. Griffin as a companion was when she was 17 and she went on hrr honeymoon. J' Senecal declares her brother, Griffin, instigated the suits, and estrangement having arisen between him and the grandparent. The house and money were given to requite kindness and for loving care, Mrs. Senecal claims, and Mrs.

Griffin, who Is 80 years old, when Interrogated at her home yesterday, protested that she loved "Jennie" and wanted the property to go to her. Under cross-examination, Wil until, nnu im-u iuu wise mutilated him. Man Charges Abuse By Wife and Son Denied by his wife the right to take a bath or change his clothing, and mistreated by his children, he says, Soren P. J. Gammelgaard, a motorman.

today sued Mrs. Marie S. Gammelgaard for divorce. He married her In Denmark 29, years ago, he says. The family home is at 6733 Shattuck avenue, Gammelgaard declares that his wife also nagged at him in a "peevish" manner.

Setember 13 his son, Samuel, age 18, struck himMn the face with his clinched fists and his wife supported the action of his son, he declares. Last Tuesday his daughter, Elizabeth, F. Sears, 4708 Calaveras avenue, won Ford Auto drawn September 15. The Ford Auto drawn September 22 goes to Blue Ticket No. 489983 position todny.

We are living In a tempestuous age, an age In which our young men and leaders must learn to think continentaly. The world Is now slltins on a powder magazine, and a spark dropped into the 'mass of International passions could start a conflasratlon that would destroy the world." Al'TO CRASH HEARING ON. Testimony was heard by Superior Judge Mortimer Smith today In a hnmage suit growing out of a crash between a pleasure automobile and an ambulance at Grove and Blake streets, July 25, 1922. The plaintiffs In the action, M. L.

Young and M. A. Mitchell, who operate an ambulance service, ask $2970 da ma ires, white the defend continued. Though 40,000 bales of raw silk in Yokohama were destroyed and machinery used in testis and. handling silk shipments was damaged, the producing area where the silk worms are cultivated as only slightly affected.

Shipments of silk probably will be resumed soon. it vflas further pointed out that 75 per cent of the material loss was reported in the labor costs of construction. The department predicted that "the Jn.irsased efforts of the Japanese will compensate largely for this" in the reconstruction now beginning. Hayward Eggery FISH DEPARTMENT Sliced Salmon, OOjLf, per pound hu2C Housewives Meat Market Clay Street Entrance Hamburger 1 fl per pound Lamb and Veal Chops Oflp per pound Opposite Gets' Butcher Shop Fancy Jersey Zfip Creamery Butter, lb. UL ant, G.

Fiesta, has a cross com was an Increase in quantity of approximately 26.000,000 barrels. 5 30c Full Cream Calif. Cheese, per lb 26, declared "I am going to get you old man," and met with no reproof from her mother, he further avers. He gave that day as the date of the separation. MENACING Of the metals: copper in-; creased from 12,088,053 pounds, I worth $1,669,358, "to Fillet of Sole per pound Small Sole per pound Halibut per pound Rock Cod per pound 20c 5c 30c JOc Pot Roast per pound Ilk 15c Fresh Ranch Pullet 28c Sausage' Meat per pound plaint In which he asks damages of $85.


Chicago, vice president of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, testified today In the state's investigation of the oil Industry that within the last year the California, fields had come to dom-Inntn Ni business. Eggs, per dozen. CROPS liam Griffin on the stand yesterday WQMAN SCARES BURGLAR. A burglar who broke into the home of Mrs. E.

E. Moran, at 2434 Gove street, shortly before midnight was frightened away when Mm Mnrin unokfi to the intruder. admitted, the incompetency proceedings were instigated by him Edgsworth Cigarettes. 1 7jL package 12 thinking that it was her husband. when his sister refused to give him but $5 of $50 which he had asked for.

AT HlALDSBURG 74c PEANUTS, Hot Roasted per pound lJl (At Seiroy's Coffee Stand) IVENS, THE FLORIST Carnations, Asters and Potted Plants at Free Market Prjces. Union Leader Baskets Buffalo. Granulated, package Elkmont Cigars 10 for lie 27c DRIVE YOUR CAR Soon there will be a Skaggs Store on very main thoroughfare entering and leaving the down town district. Additional Skaggs Stores are soon to open at 35th and East 14th, 4100 Piedmont Avenue and in Allendale district on 38th Avenue. Drive your car past your nearest Skaggs Store.

The price and quality of our meats and groceries please the most particular. Sego Milk, 3 cans 25cl Crystal White, bar 4c Snnsweet Dried Apricots, JE? 10c Underwood's Codfish akes 15c Hilvilla Tea, Green or Black ilb730cl lb. 60c Pure Cider Vinegar 20c I Salad OJ, 18-oz. bottl 22c Folger's Pepper 5c Hersheys Cocoa.l2ic H.0;0atsHc SUNSWEET PRUNES Sweet meaty Santa Clara Prunes, packed in clean, san SATURDAY UNUSUALS LARGE RED SPITZENBERG APPLES ..,25 itary cartons 2-pound carton Ivory Soap Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c ICloverleaf Soap 10 bars 39cv HEAUDSBURG, Sept.

25. Continued rainfall caused fears among growers here that the grape crop, now about 60 per cent has-vested, will suffer extensive damage. Zinfandels, which are about 75 per cent shipped or under cover, will be done as the result ef the downpour. Other more resistant varieties wi'l be unhurt if the skies clear but the weather remains cool. Warm sunshine following the rain would cause grapes to crack.

Miss Marjorie Toye, 18, of San Francisco, was treated for Injuries here after the car in which she was driving with her mother had overturned near Geyservllle. Her nose was fractured and she suffered slight cuts and bruises. Her mother was unhurt Mrs. Hamilton. RIggins, corresponding secretary of the San Francisco district.

Miss Jennie Partridge of San Francisco and Mrs, ClarencF. iea of Santa Rosa will be the speakers at the quarterly convention of, the Sonoma County-Federation of Women's Clubs, to be held here Wednesday. Miss Partridge will speak on the narcotic evil and Mrs. Lea, wife of the congressman from this district, will pay a personal tribute "to Florence Kling Harding, widow of President Harding. Members ot the Sotoyome Literary club, the Women's Improvement club, th Dry Creek Neighbors' club and the pounas, worth lead, from 1,149,051 pounds and $51,707 to 6,511,280 pounds and line, quicksilver, platinum and iron I ore also showed increases.

Gold decreased from $15,704,822 to 670,346, in spite of which in 1922 California accounted for approx- imately 33 per cent of the gold output of the United States, Of the structural group: brick ile Increased in value from $5,570,875 to miscel-; laneous stone (comprising crushed rock, sand and gravel, paving blocks) from $7,834,650 to magnesite. lime, marble nd onyx also increasing; ceSnent although increasing from 7,404,221 barrels to $8,962,135 barrels in out- put, decreased from $18,072,120 to in value. Slate again Joined the active list with a small yield. Shoemaker Robbed of I Savings of Lifetime SAN UEANDRO, Sept. 25.

Just When, after years of saving, he had gathered enough money to pur-chase a home for himself, M. Ma- loof, living on Davis street here and owning a shoe repairing shop in Hayward, lost his entire savings by theft last night. Maloof told City Marshal Per- alta last ntght that he had drawn his savings from the bank yester- day afternoon and placed the money in a small strong-box in his shop. Early in the evening, he left the shop for a momejrt, return-" ing to find two men in it. When he closed the shop for the evening, his money was gone.

Police here and in Hayward are searching for the men whom Maloof discovered In the shop on his, return. Foresters Launch Membership Drive SAN-'LEANDRO, Sept. 25. A membership campaign for the local lodge of the Foresters of America was launched lere, yesterday by John J. Reid, state organizer for the order.

According to Reid35 candidates for admission to the lodge have already been obtained here, tl is expected that this will be doubled when the drive has reached its completion. rFull Sack Tony! TONY JUSTI CLAY STREET ENTRANCE Burbank Potatoes Cfl large sack 1JU Canning Peaches $100 CRINKLET PAPER TOW-ELS The kind advertised; use like an Ordinary towel i saves washing. 3 pkgs. of 50 towels, with holder sCDC 25c TEN POUNDS. Bellfleur Apptes, large water pall for SdDC Winter Banana Apples JKi large water pail t)C Burbank Potatoes Oig 12 pounds for )C All kinds Table Grapes Fancy Bellfleur Apples CI 9C large lug box I.aViJ Canning Tomatoes 7C I lug box lilt 4 pounds for Strawberries and Raspberries cheaper than wholesale LIGHTHOUSE' CLEANSER For scouring and pol 25c ishing, 4 cans for.

DUNBAR SHRIMPS CAN 1A Largest Finest'. Free Parking PINEAPPLE Fine for salads or desserts makes a de- licious addition to your pre East Bay Market 19th and Telegraph serves; large cans OQ sWC broken slice. 1 FOOD BASKETS 2 P. M. SHARP, TOMATOES Del Monte solid pack tomatoes in large cans.

This year's pack. Unusual value. Lg. cans Del Monte 1C. Tomatoes xOK.

PICKLING SUPPLIES Vegetables and fruits for pickling areat their best now. -jT Pure Cider Vinegar, CC gal. jug 00 Whole or mixed Pickling Spices, pkg. aC FRESH RANCH EGGS-All white and strictly fresh CC 1 dozen JO. $1.09 PORK AND BEANS With Tomato Sauce, for camping or quick lunches; me- 1A dium size cans 1UC SALINE SQUARES Snow-flake salted crackers in large lithographed CC OOC PURE LARD Packed in friction top sanitar cans, easy to close up after using, so lard can be kept clean and sweet 2 lb.

can Pure QQ Lard OOC 4-lb. can Pure 7C Lard uC 8 lb. can Pure J1 OQ pA.J7 OLD MASTER COFFEE-Better flavored, stronger and more economical than ordinary coffee iO 1 lb. can rC 3 lb. J1 oo can eswO L3D "SKAGGS" CREAMERY BUTTER, CO-POUND FREE TICKETS AT EVERY STAND IN THE MARKET CORN BEEF Fancy pack; serve Tiot or cold; just the thing for a quick lunch or dinner; No.

1 1Q lv SNOWDRIFT Vegetable shortening. -All vegetable oils have advanced; get a supply now and avoid paying more later. WHITE CROSS Crisco, an jr7 size, limit f' 20c 20 Mule Team Borax Beef Pot Roast, ST. tfc I2h Plate BoHinsr Beef, per lb. j.

OC a 1 l's Tomato 25c Crystal White Soap, 9TH AND WASB. MARKET Chips, pkg. Lea Perrin't Sauce, Healdsburg W. C.C. U.

WW entertain visiting delegates. East Bay Water Official Gives Talk SAN LEANDRO. Sept. 25. eorge Wilhelrti, vice-president of the East Bay Water Company, spoke this afternoon before the Kiwanis club here, following the club's luncheon at the Estudlllo House.

Howard acting president of the club, was chairman of the day. Today's luncheon, marked the start of an attendance competition with members of the club divided into two teams. One of the teams is headed by John Monroe and the other by A. C' Jensen. Miss Edith Faustina, accompanied by Mrs.

Adolph Schwindt at the piano, sang a program of songs. Both Miss Faustina and Mrs. Schwindt are former San Leandrans now living in San Francisco. HERE'S A MEAN MAN. HAMMOND, Ind.

Harry Spros-son was convicted of stealing a watch from a girl the day before she expected him to marry her. He Is already married. LIGHTNING TWISTS HAIRPINS. FOWLER. Lightning struck so close to Mrs.

Fred Scarborough that It twisted her hairpins, but she was unhurt AUTO FAN TAKES 4 FINGERS. SPRINGFIELD. 111. Oiling, his automobile fan with the engine running, four fingers on Carl Hansen's right hand were cut off. Plate Coined Beef, per lb.

Meat Dept. POT ROASTN I 1 -Steer Beef, lb 1 2 25c large bottle 19c Del Monte Catsup, pint 23c 43c 83c $1.63 1 lb. can Snowdrift. 2 lb. can Snowdrift.

4 lb. can Snowdrift. 8 lb. can Snowdrift. AMERICAN MEAT COMPANY PON HONOR EAST BAY GROCERY LAMB STEW 71c 8pecial, lb CLEAN UP ON MASON JARS QUARTS 75c OTHER SIZES 1 IN SOME STORES AT PROPOR-TIONATELY LOW PRICES Our Vegetable Department Carries the Very Finest, Freshest Stock of Home Grown Products in Oakland.

Bakery Dept. .40 24c APPLES, Extra Fancy Bell fleurs, packed box ROYAL GARDEN JAPAN TEA Unusual bargain price BACON, Eastern Sugar Cured, Ib KOWALSKYS PIES Fresh Baked, special CAKE plain, special EGGS Fancy 19c 9c A1 EAST BAY FRUIT CO. still continues. 40c y2 lb. carton 75c 1 lb.

carton. 29c 25c 49c LOIN BACKS, Virden Campfire brand. KOWALSKYS Pullet, tit BUTTER Jersey Cfl Brand, lb )UC SUGAR, 5-lb. sack with 2 Af lb. 35c Coffee, 70c UC U.

S. COFFEE CO. BUTTER, Green Meadow, CAp finest creamery per Ib. R. E.

BIGGS IN OUR MEAT DEPTS. High quality meats at uniform low prices, handled by courteous, clean salesmen. NIGHT LATCHES, StumbJl lor Segals, special. 1, EMERYVILLE HARDWARE CO. PLIERS, Nickel-plated 6-in.

OO slip-joint pliers .7 EMERYVILLE HARDWARE CO. BEEF ROAST Prime 57k 32c PORK CHOPS-r loin and rib, MILD SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BACON- Clean-up Sale of Damaged EGGS, large, white, fresh, dozen WILLIAMS ib, bone in, 2Qq rib, bone in, lb. TUBS BATH Round Steak, OOX per lb LLC SAUSAGES All on pork breakfast, lb sCOC HAMS Whole OQ or half, COC BEEF STEAK, sirloin and tenderloin, OC 3Cf BEEF Choice plate boil-' ing beef, AQ Round Roast, ad Roast, Oft ib. zuc Regular bath tubs on legs, as low as per BACON Whole or 09 Eastern Sugar Cured Hams )HXc by the ham, lb Li Fancy Sugar Cured Bacon, OQ sliced, lb. LOZ Oregon Sharp Cheese, 30 Honey, clover or orange, JQ quart in glass A.

VAN ERP, DELICATESSEN 30c SPRING LAMB legs, Boston Butt Roast, 1 OA per lb. UC half piece, lb. 519 Pork Sausage Meat, 15c per Ib. HOBBS MEAT COMPANY Built-in bath tubs, or corner bath tubs, with apron to floor, as low as Community Theatre Building 100 Oakland Capital, Labor and Materials Have you seen the site at Nineteenth and Telegraph of this splendid new Dialling? Look at it when you visit the East Bay Markets Upon it will be reared one of the finest theatre and office buildings in the city an eight-story, ISS-of fice structure worth $1,230,000. TT OaUandMmb '( 'vl Broadway 29IS Rroadwa) 178 Ninth St.

40 fclCemliSt 1 l7Kiitofnlfi St. Itth and Broadway Ml 20 College At. 3nHCoiifi Ave 1.120 BhsttiM'k Are 2017 Ran Pablo Avenue. 231 1 Cast Htb St. West Berkeley 4if frruitvitie Ae.

i' 1.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.