Product SynopsisPublix US: Consumer Profile is the result of Canadean’s extensive online consumer survey Publix in the US, presenting uniquely detailed data on Publix’s end-consumers. It provides retailer profiles for both Main and Occasional consumers (determined by the share of their goods coming from this retailer) covering over 25 individual consumer groups, and retailer share at product category level.
Introduction and LandscapeWhy was the report written?While shopper and store audit data provide the picture of what’s happening in store, this report focuses on providing data on the final consumers of products from Publix. Therefore, this report provides a different view from both loyalty card and shopper data in order to help complete a total understanding of the consumer base and improve decision making.
What is the current market landscape and what is changing?Understanding the consumer audience is key and increasingly this means not just understanding the shoppers in store, but also who they are purchasing for. This broader view of who their customers are allows retailers to make more informed strategic decisions.
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What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?The effects of the global recession and the following recovery have led consumers to closely examine their choice of retailer and products purchased. While the effects have varied country by country, no retailer has been left totally untouched and this has created a need for retailers to understand who their end-consumer audience is.
What makes this report unique and essential to read?The report provides valuable, hard to obtain, consumer-survey based, data on Publix in the US, showing who its end-customers are and how well the retailer is performing overall (as measured by category share). By focusing on end-consumers and not in-store shoppers, the report provides a different perspective compared to other types of data, helping retailers to identify which consumer groups they want to compete for in the future.
Key Features and BenefitsThe report profiles Publix’s end-consumers and covers over 25 consumer groups of both Main and Occasional users (determined by the share of their goods coming from this retailer).
Market shares by category show how Publix is performing in product categories across the Consumer Packaged Goods industry.
Partial Table of Contents:
1 Introduction1.1 What is this Report About?1.2 Scope1.3 Methodology1.3.1 Introduction1.3.2 Large scale, international, program of online consumer surveys1.3.3 Nationally Representative results (age, gender)1.3.4 Parents answered on their children’s behalf1.3.5 Legal Drinking Age exclusions for alcoholic drinks categories1.3.6 Integrated with industry calling and secondary research1.4 Definitions1.4.1 Consumer Trends and Reasons for Retailer Choice1.4.2 Consumer Groups and Legal Drinking Age Consumption (for Alcoholic Drinks coverage)1.4.3 End Consumers1.4.4 Volume Units and Aggregations1.4.5 Population Profiles (for interpretation of tables and charts)2 Retailer Loyalty Profiles2.1 Consumer Group Loyalty – Main and Occasional users2.1.1 By Age2.1.2 By Gender2.1.3 By Urban and Rural Dwellers2.1.4 By Education Level2.1.5 By Wealth Group2.1.6 By Busy Lives2.2 Customer Profile: Main Users compared to the Overall Population2.2.1 By Age2.2.2 By Gender2.2.3 By Urban and Rural Dwellers2.2.4 By Education Level2.2.5 By Wealth Group2.2.6 By Busy Lives2.3 Customer Profile: Occasional Users compared to the Overall Population2.3.1 By Age2.3.2 By Gender2.3.3 By Urban and Rural Dwellers2.3.4 By Education Level2.3.5 By Wealth Group2.3.6 By Busy Lives3 CPG Volume Share3.1 Market Share by Volume – Overall3.1.1 Alcoholic Drinks – Off-trade Drinks only3.1.2 Food3.2 Market Share by Volume3.2.1 Alcoholic Drinks – Off-trade Drinks only3.2.2 Beverages – Off-trade Drinks only3.2.3 Food3.2.4 Health & Beauty4 Appendix4.1 About Canadean4.2 Disclaimer
List of Tables
Table 1: Food Volume UnitsTable 2: Alcoholic Drinks Volume UnitsTable 3: Non-Alcoholic Drinks Volume UnitsTable 4: Personal Care Volume UnitsTable 5: United States Survey Respondent Profile (weighted), 2011Table 6: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Beer, Cider & Pre-mixed Spirits (Off-trade Drinks only) Volume % Share, 2011Table 7: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Spirits (Off-trade Drinks only) Volume % Share, 2011Table 8: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Wine (Off-trade Drinks only) Volume % Share, 2011Table 9: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Hot Drinks (Off-trade Drinks only) Volume % Share, 2011Table 10: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Soft Drinks (Off-trade Drinks only) Volume % Share, 2011Table 11: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Bakery & Cereals Volume % Share, 2011Table 12: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Chilled & Deli Foods Volume % Share, 2011Table 13: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Confectionery Volume % Share, 2011Table 14: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Dairy Volume % Share, 2011Table 15: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Fish & Seafood Volume % Share, 2011Table 16: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Ice Cream Volume % Share, 2011Table 17: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Meat Volume % Share, 2011Table 18: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Oils & Fats Volume % Share, 2011Table 19: Publix United States: Survey Tracked Pasta & Noodles Volume % Share, 2011
Full Table of Contents is available at:–
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