Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)

PAGE EIGHT IOWA CITY, IOWA, PRESS-CITIZEN. MONDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1936 Consult The Press Citizen Classifieds For All Services AUTOMOBILES MERCHANDISE REAL ESTATE JiOG MARKET New York Stocks Closing Quotations (Bv the Associated Press) I Chem Dye 232 Gen Foods Am Can 123 Gen Mot 70i Gillette 14i Ouodyear ft 24T. Hudson Mot 18'! Illinois Cent Int Harvest. 85 Int Nick Can S24 Jnt Tel ft- TeLUij-: Johns-Manville 122 Am Smelt 85 Am Sugar Rrf Si's Am Tel Tel 177 Am Tob 100'a Am Wat WJa Anaconda 40 Auburn Auto 35.

Aviation Corp 5'i Kresgp 26i Bait ft Ohio l.ibbey SALES PARTS AND SERVICE FOE SALE 1829 Chevrolet Pickup Reconditioned, new paint, good tires, steel box, closed cab. FRES WICK'S FOR SALE Covered Wagon. Address CO Preaa-Cltlsen. 10-5 FOR SALE 2 and 4 wheel trailers. Braverman and Worton.

Dial BUS. 10-20 FOR SALE Twelve choice reconditioned used cars. Fords. Chevroleta and Plymoiiths. Other bargains.

Frea-wicka. 10- FOR SALE 1984 rord V-8 Panel Delivery truck. Only 12.000 miles, food condition. Dial 6914. before 7 P.

II. 9-21tf TUVANClALr FARM AND CITY LOANS Gl 69 Mavtag 164 McKess ft Rob 9, Mid Cont Pet 26U Montgoni Ward 50 -Ti Nash Mot Vi't Nat Biscuit 29 Nat Cash 27'i Nat Dalrv Pr 25 'i Nat Distill 29N Nat Pow ft Lt 12 Central 47 Vorthern Par 29! I i Bamedall 18'4 Bcmlix Aviat I Both Stl 72'j I Borden 27' mirg-wamer no'i Can Alo Canad Po 13 Cane 161 Chi 3'i Chi (It Wwt 2 Chi St 2 1 Chrysler 12'v54 Coliiin El 19'. Coiiiwlth Sou Con Edis 42T Con Oil Con Can TO', Cont Oil Del 34, Corn Prod TO" Curt 6'i Deere Co Wi Deere ft Co PM Du Pont De 164 Geir Elec-47if Oliver Farm Packard Mot 1 Param Piet Penney 93'i penn Phillips Pet Radio 11 Rev Rears Roeb Shell Union Sou Pac 46 St Brand 12'J 13's 40 44', 57. 9l'l 2I 14H 13T mi-. 40 Std Oil Cat 37'-i Std Oil Ind 38H Std Oil 63 Stewart-Warn 20i Studebaker ID '4 Swife ft Co 32'i.

Texas Corp 40 Tex (Jiilf- -Siil-354V Timk Roll 66 Un- I'n Pac 140 t'llit Aire Corp United Corp 71 Vnit Drug 11 Indus Alio 35H II Rubber 36H Steel Warner Pix 13H West fn Tel S3'J West El ft Mfg 149H Woolworth 54, Wriglev Jr 67 New York(AP-Curb Ark Nat Uas A 5'i Cities Service 4', 43 Kl B.nd ft Sh 22V Ford Mot Ltd Niag Hud Pow 14H -United Gas 7 New York (API bonds closed Treasury ts 47-32 119 10 Treasury 4s 44-M 114.50 Treasury 33s -13 June log 3" Treasury 43-47 109 Treasury SHs 46-49 107 30 "Treasury 3s 31-56 1W 20 1 Nor Artier tr sh 2 73 I Nor Amer tr sh 1955 3 66 Quarterly inc sh 1.7S 1.96 i Selected Am sh inc 1.79 1.96 Super Corp Am Tr A 4 OS 1 Supervised Share (Iowa 1 27 1 41 Kl UPA ,...,.....20 375 20 875 Kl ft 3.17 3.27 El ft vtc 1.27 I WHEAT PRICES ARE UNSTEADY Situation Has Bearish Influence rHICAr.n -fAPl- T-noertain- factOI -An adtrtrtonal unsettled INVESTMENT TRt'STS By The Assoriated Press in King's Favor Husband ot Mrs. Bessie Warfield Simpson, fumed over Europe the favorite companion of King Edward 'VIII, Ernest Simpjon, above, pays little heed to the British social whirl in which his wife is a brilliant figure. Simpson, an ex-army officer, devotes most of his time to the ship chartering business, though occasionally he attends royal functions as the king's guest. ASSAILS NEW -DEAL-IN-BOOKj Ousted Official Hits At 'Sinister Forces" In Government WASHINGTON AP) Ew- ing Y. Mitchell, ousted assistant sprretarvlir commerce, ioriv elah- orated in a book called "Kicked In and Kicked Out of the President's Little Cabinet" the charges of waste and irregularities he made before a senate, committee last spring.

Mitchell's ouster in 1935 was fol- 'I P'-Hin 1 i -Om rbL 1 1 1 loans $25.00 to $300.00 If your residence Is In Iowa City or near-by towns you may obtain sums from $25.00 to $300.00, with as long as 25 months to repay. Loans advanced on such security as furniture, cars, etc. We have a special plan adapted to the needs of teachers. We invite you to investigate our QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL and COOPERATIVE finance service. J.

R. Son Representing FIDELITY FINANCE Inc. (Licensed to Operate Under Iowa Small Loan Law) 217 Iowa State Bank Trust Bldg. Dial 2177 HIGHER Heavy Cattle and Sheep Supplies Weaken -Prices CHICAGO API Official estimated receipts tomorrow: Cattle hogs 13,0007 0,000. sheep sup CHICAGO (API Heavy plies of cattle and sheep weakened prices sharply in these branches' of the livestock trade today, but the hog market was strengthened bv a relatively small run and by further stiffening of wholesale pork quotations- The cattle run of 26,000 head has been exceeded only twice in the last three yaers.

the most recent time two months ago. Fully half of fresh supplies un- loaded here consisted of north- western-grass cattiewhtchare be-4 tog brought to market from the plains states as pasturage grows short. Because of- the scarcity of light yearlings and heifers these were steady best lieht heifers bringing $10.25, but there was a liberal supply of long yearlings and medium weight and weighty steers on Prices for these were unevenly steady to 23 certs lower. with heavies showing the most weakness. Best fed yearling steers brought $10.35.

The stoeker and feeder supply was the largest of the season and prices for replacement cattle were 25 cents down. Hof.r9 were strong to 10 cents higher, top getting back to $10.50. Some of the market's strength wag derived from reports of con tinued good demand for pork at current price levels. Wholesale loln' quotations were steady to 5i cent a pound higher. The sheep run of 25.000 was the were weak to 25 cents lower, closing at the full decline.

Top for natives was $9.15. CHICAGO (AP)-Hogs 13,000, -Including 3.000 direct: strong to -10 higher than Friday's average: toD 10.50; bulk good and choice 1 190-240 lbs 10.10-40: most 160-180 Jbs 9. strong weight "pigs nafpund 8.5Q; bulk desirable light Cattle calves light vearllnirs and heifers steady, scarce: best light heifers 10.25: long steers in iiberal supply, steady to 25 lower; most- lv 25 off on heavies with trade; S. S. rf 1 I U.

Bid Asked .2.90 3 60 Corporate tr sh Corporate tr sh aa mod Cornorate tr sh scrum 2 S2 corporate tr accum ser mod 3 60 irrvmenn siv 1.37 2 03 Maryland Fund ..10 03 m.g., Nationwide see 4.70 4. No Nationwide aec vtc. 2. OS 2.24 IOWA CITY MARKETS Local Markets Furnished by Iowa City Toultry and Egg Co. Made Subject to Market Changes Hennery Eggs 23c Hens, 5 lbs up Hens, 4 lbs 10c Light Hens 9c Leghorn Hens 9c wrings, ids up IOC FOR APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1, 2 and 3-room apartments.

First two with private bath, kitchen or kitchenette, closet space. Furnished or unfurnished. Heat, light, water, gas. DIAL 3702 or 4397 FOR RENT Apartment, private 503 8- Van Buren 10-5tf FOR RENT Desirable one room rfurnished Garage: SI? North Dodge. 9-26tf FOR RENT Air conditioned downstair rooms.

Dial 3961. 9-3011 FOR RENT 4764. House, apartments. 10-13 FOR RENT 2 room nient. Dial 6573.

garage apart-9-30tf FOR RENT RoOms or an apartment. jjro. lo-str FOR RENT-J38 Brown Furnished apartment. 10-16X FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment. 42s S.

Clinton. 10-3tf FOR RENT Desirable furnished I apartment across from campus. Heat, I private entrance. Dial 6392. 10-5 FOR RENT Apartment.

Dial 3S29. 10-8 FOR RENT Two room apartment, furnished, also three room apartment or unfurnlsued. 731 Bowery. Dial 3S45. 9-18tf FOR RENT Two room apartment.

Dial 4315. furnished 9-16tf FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment. Tony Mar lis. 9-8tf FOR Adults. RENT 1 Dial 3931.

apartment, -7tf FOR RENT 5 room apartment. Pri vate bath and entrance, close in. Dial 3675 or 25W. 9-Stf FOR RENT -bath. 2323.

Apartment, private 7-Z1U FOR RENT Four room unfurnished apartment, adults. 217 So. Johnson, Dial 6597. 8-27U FOR RENT Apartment. 4986.

FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ments, iza soutn Clinton. 8-J4U FtJR RENT- First-class Dial 6416 apartment. 5-ltf FOR RENT Houses, Dial 5248. apartments. 8-ltf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, newly decorated, double garage.

Dial FOR RENT House. 528 Brown. 10-3tf FOR RENT Small home, furnished. University Heights. Dial 4327 or 3237.

10-5 FOR RENT Strictly modem, oil burner. Manville Heights. Ideal for married couple. J. A.

Pardcn, Agent. Dial 5818 jn-7x FOR RENT Small remodelled five room duplex, close in. Garage. Reasonable. Dial 6942.

10-7 FOR RENT Furnished or "unfurnished room bouse in Mornlngslde. Dial 9368. 9.2m FOR RENT Six room modern house. Dial 4340 daytime. 9-19tf FOR RENT 8 room house, fine Iocs" tlon.

Address Rlea Iowa Book Store. 9-18if FOR RENT or Sale 6 room house completely remodelled. Just like ntw. i Conveniently located. Dial 3969 or 6842 evenings.

9-15tf FOR RENT 4. 6. room nouses, ur-I nlshed or unfurnished. Dial 5977. 6-Kit FOR REXT FARMS FOR RENT 120 acre farm.

7 miles north of Iowa City. Ed Michael. 7i0 Kimball Avenue. IO-61 FOR RENT 2j0 acres all bluegrass farm, building in good condition. John Kennedy, Oxford.

9-2Mf WANTED TO RENT WANTED Adults. Use of apartment for running expenses. Address D. C. Press-Citizen.

10-7x -BUSINESS OPi'ORTTjNITIES FOR RENT Storage room. Centrally located. Dial 2820. 30x30. 11-1 'OR RENT Automobile sales c.m ojjringa.

10s ty regarding the European mone- Spnngs, 3 10c tary situation had considerable Leghorn Springs, 1V3 lbs 9c bearish infiuence on wheat prices Leghorn springs, under l'J lbs t0dav Plittorfnf 10 CLASSIFIED KVltS AMI (XKMATION Jc 1 a a a To a ao a wcr Mtru wcrtl wort' Tw Tbiv FVur snvf day SIXTH Oti month PAV Classified Clap 'ay 60- cot taca CLOSING HOI Advrtisiiijj recti vel up to to a. ra. be published same day. DIAL 3130 MOW TO ANSWER ADS; la answering ads in tbr col- unir.s waicfa request tfe address a tetter to th Press- Citizen, please be careful to. use the correct address irivas In the ad.

Letters brought to th offie do not require stanos ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE I will not responsible for an debts contracted bv anvonc but mv-seif. K. C. KttMcvk. Oxford.

Route J. LOST AND POUND FOLND Light tan and white eoUt. Li ST-Whit ary ami Pivss-Cit isen. purse Cimiainini: Return to LOST A coloned beaded purse in the vicinity of Bowery and Summit. Reward.

Dial 10-Sx PERSOXAL Si WA.SM.V;, nLIHlNG. Kreasmg. storage. Prtmrnt delivery service. Dial 4265.

317 E. 317 E. Bioomsngton. 11-5 Called For and 'Delivered 227 S. Dubuque St.

Dial 6468 SUKHIKE.POP IS A HEALTHV DRINK FOR THE KIDDIES. We Deliver Dial 2554 IOWA CITY BOTTLING WORKS WANTED-Dial 3309. -Typing, reasonable rates. 10-lht SPENCER FOVNDATION garments insure health, style and comfort. Mrs.

Adams 3453 and Mrs. Findley 6S89. JU--31- DRESSMAKING S. I.inn. Dial R9S3.

ANl altering. 230 10-22 HOUSEHOLD Servelle Goods. 1029 N. Dodge. PAPER Products Mrs.

W. W. Chenne'l. Dial $540. Oct.

28 FLO0RLA7ING AND Sanding. Also stairs rraped or sanded. Dial 5394. Oct. 22x.

GUARANTEED lurnlture upholster and reflnlshing. Dial 49.W. John McDonald. (Formerly with MeNamaral 10-17 BUSINESS SERVICES Lev" A VARSITY CLEANERS Cry process Assures" satisfaction and exceptional work. 60c 2 for $1.00 Cash and Carry-Dial 4153 23 E.

Washington St. LONG DISTANCE and general hauling. Furniture moved, crated and shipped. Pool cars for California and Seattle. Thompson Transfer Co.

10-ltf HAVE YOUR car tuned up and pre-, pared for winter. Modern testing equipment plus experience. Nu-Enamel Products. Dial S723. 15 E.

Washington. 10-31 TRANSFER, BAGGAGE. Carry's Delivery Senice. 4290. 7 a.

m. to 12 P. M. 10-31 PLUMBING AND heating Company. 227 East Washington.

Dial aula. 9-itf PAINTING AND riecorating done reasonable. Dial 9495. 10-24 ELECTROLCX CLEANER and air f'" miu nciviiwi W. w.

i 3540. Chennell 1029 N. DodgOW DSuVuDui'Sw ShP'l0 BLECHA TKA.NSP'EK and storage. local and long distance hauling, crat- ling, packing. Dial 338.

-8-ltf i crusneu rues nries tiagstone walks. a. tt cupra. a-3lll BUSINESS TRAINING i XarewT21 Produce and Poultry was that no important new over-! seas demand for Canadian wheat i CHICAGO fAP) Potatoes i6i. on i rine labor troubles on the Pacific dSnday 'ef "'weTtera" tock coast were als a souree cf wneat' slightly' weaker; other stock harelv I Prtce Weakness.

I "saekTewt Wheat closed unsteady at the! banks V. S. No. 1. mostly 2,00.

'day's bottom level. 1 cent to 14 lowed, by a controversy before a was in evidence. Threatened ma- 1 under Saturday's fin May 1 'inish. December -12 1.4; corn H- down December- 94 li-H. Ma oats H-1U off, and pro- visions varying from cents de cline to a rise of 2 cents.

Gra'n Table CHICAGO -WHEAT Dee Mav Jlv -(AP) Grain Hich Low Close 1 I.V.. 1 1 1 1 12 1 99'-. ST-'-i '7H i 1 HOME FURNISHINGS HAFP1JANCES AND SERVICE FOR SALE-Wood Dial 3620. or coal range, 10-x FOR SALBWooo anfl eoal Good coildltlon. Strub'a.

range. (-SM K)R SALB-Gasolm. aerosem 1 and electric itovea. Cheap. Btrub'a ll-SU FURNITURE REPAIRING.

Rooieralt Dial KSfia nr K21S. r-iiu INSTRUMENTS RADIOS AND SERVICE COMPLETE RADIO aenrice. Howard Holubar Shop. 4611: Home. 467ft 11-2X FOR SALE Alto ax, like new.

Dial 3876. 1(M GUARANTEED radio repairing. Dial 3526. day or evening. 10-aix FOR SALE Radio.

319 East College. 10-6 PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING and repairing. Work guaranteed. State certification. Dial 5257.

H. F. Reiser. 10-23 GUARANTEED PIANO tuning, repairing. Experienced.

Gllmore. 9469. FINE PIANO Tuning Phona MIL rni-v wnn (EmDloyed by 3. u. I.

music department). 10-8 GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT ALL GROCERS FISH 23 East College Street TROUT HALIBUT, lb. CATFISH, lb. 27 Ho BUFFALO, lb. 15c CARP, lb lle- HERRING, lb WHITING, lb.

10c BLUEHEADS, lb. 23c PIKE, lb SMOKED FISH, lb." 25c OYSTERS, quart 55c We carry at all times a large variety of fish. You will like our fish. GIVE US A TRIAL. VEGETABLES AT OUR UP-TOWNTSTORE or MARKET off Riverside Drive.

Buy your Tomatoes, Beans, Cabbage, Peppers, Eggplants now. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY. BRENNEMAN'S DIAL 6412 OR 9583 FOR SALE Tomatoes, pcrs, egg plant. 6286. beets, pep 10-7x FOR SALE Grapes delivered or you may pu-k.

Dorothy De Clow, Lower Muscatine Road. 10-7 FOR 6058. SALE Bottle Dial 10-8 FOR SALE Greening apples. 11.50 ou- 729 Ronalds. lo-7x FOR SALE Dial 5881.

Blue Damson plums. 10-51 KVtD C1IC 1 1 An rJS" nJi," i i. Sandtown. 10-5x MISCELLANEOUS TO A RELIABLE FIRM We carry insurance fot loss or damage We guarantee your colored clothe not to fade. 10 Founds Damp Wash 4Bc fixtra Pounds 4c Mew Process Larndbryi 313 Dubt.que St Dial 4177 FOR SALE Winchester 12 gauge 1 modiried and 30 inch full choke.

Ex- I cellent condition. Dial 2578. 10-5tf FOR SALE-irl coata, aixe 13, $1.50. Dial 2771. lo-s I ljtolrls clothing, alze 16.

2398. 10-5x IrOR SALE On Hawkey cement mixer, 4H cu. ft. size. One saw table with 2 h.

p. motor. One act of garag door and track. Dial 84 S4. g-24t SHRUBS, PLANTS, ETC.

spruce. 5. shade treee. ti ri ciarevn ana uuu QUIA. 10-5tl I WANTED TO EXCHANGE WANTED to Exchange New Ray Boy cireulatora for used heating stoves.

Cadd Hardware. 10-5 FUEL FOR SALE Dry wood. Dial 5881. 13.00 ton. 10-Si ood km" nlmtf Tli.l con? c- IU-1II FOR SALE Dry wood.

Dial 977. -28tf LIVESTOCK FARM STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FEED AND PRODUCE FOR SALE Pure bredJersey buU calf. Dial t05g. 10-7 FOR SALE 4 row McCormick shredder. Thomas Jedllk.

West Branch, low- 10-tx FOR SALE Extra good Guernsey cows freah and to be freab. John Schintler. Tiffin. Route 10-ltf FOR SALE Polanc China boars. miles southeast of Fairfax.

Wesley Cerreny. $.3,, FOR SALE 1 well bred young Hol-steln cow. Will freshen within 2 weeks. D. Edwards.

West Branch, Iowa. 10-i FOR SALE Poland China males aid wlnted. largo and good on an lorepart 01 res. rarrow. new mood.

easier Broa. miles cast ot Solon. 8-24U FOR SALE Du roc males, good quality, vaccinated. 4 miles south of Sharon. Phone Kalooa.

W. Branneman. -Utf BIRDS, DOGS, OTHER PETS FOR SALE Female coach dog. Call Silver Inn. Oxford, after 4 p.

m. 10-ox Di 9195 'M i sowr" approximately-half ofre tr. s. No. 2.

i.rxi-TtiT-w'swnsin: Bliss ceipts comprise northwestern! Triumphs partly graded l.t: Minne-1 cobblers and rund whites I'. S. prassers. stockcrs and feeder sup- No. fPW ,,1,.., mi.

higan eoh- ply beincr largest of season; re- I biers y. S. No. 1 and partly graded Dec 9t, Mav 9n. ssi, st4 Jlv OATS Dec 42 40', ilr, Mav 42', 4''.

Jlv 39K 3'i 3S, RYF. Dec SI-'. SI-'. (Mav 79'. 711:, Jlv 72 IV, 71'3 senate committee which heard his denials by officialsr uiciuuing oecreiary noper.

After deacMbing what he termed "patronage, politics and piffle in the -bureau -of -air-eommereeT-and rceuiaiiutj in inc uuiu- in merce department, Mitchell's book democratic form of government and our liberties can be 'preserved only by the overthrow of these sinister forces which continue to undermine efforts for re- form in vital governmental affairs ordered by the people at the polls. "The American political system was never subjected to sach a test of honesty as under the new deal experiments and expenditures. It never had so much money- placed at its disposal upon such lax terms. "As window dressing we havs idealism and reform, but the stock in trade is the old familiar brand of politics and thousands of bu-; reaucrats are determined the old order shall not be disturbed." LEGAL NOTICES NOTH'K OF PROHATK OF State of Iowa WILL Johnson County, ts: In the District Court. To all whom it' may conrc-m Notice Is hereby Riven that on the day or tober A.

D. 1936. at 9 i. in liriniraf in pur jron- ine to he th' last Will and Testament -of Arthnr-HcxtnnTiatTr Tif ssirf -rtmntv- leeeawl. will com on for hearing be- fore the District Court for the proof and admission of same to probate.

3, Miller Clerk District Court; Stovriu. Attorney. fret. 5 Fred L. TK S'af nf Iowa 'Johnsoh'TTounfyV'ss In th District Court.

To all whom It may concern Notice is hereby given that on the Tlh day of Octoh-r A. D. 1936. -t 9 o'clock. A.

an instrument purport- i South Linn etreet Plione Bun. model 12. 2 barrels. 26 inch LONG TERM Federal Farm loans. 4 interest.

J. R. Saschnagel and Son. 10-ltf LOANS City. Whiting, Jr.

6 and 6'4. Sam 10-8X PERSONAL LOANS LOANS You can secure a loan of 9300 or less under our reduced payment plan on your own signature and security. No Inquiry made of friends, relatives or employer. For a Quick. Loan Write us or see W.

J. Holland ASon who will act for you In securing a loan through our company. Loans made In near-by towns. XW. WoHaiiisoii 118 Vi East College St Schneider Building Phone 4802 Iowa City, Iowa ALIBER COMPANY Des Moines, Iowa L0ANS on tche, dia-monaa ringa, juna, motorg, typewrit- Ky Co.

Room 4 over Boemer-. nm. Store. 10-ltf EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED FEMALE e.TEkIuTMald ior uork and care of chUdren. Prefer maid to to home nighta.

Dial 2922. 10y WANTED Housekeeper, farm x- WANTED 3 irl for general housework and rare of children. 629 Oakland 10-Stf Experienced girl for gen- ZfH. 10-9 TOUNG LADY for maid work in buuiess education. Dial 5974 after 4 p.

m. io-sx HELP WANTED MALE COFFEE Route here. Up Ford iTCI MUls- 348 Monmouth. Cincinnati, lo-7x willing to work. Fred Neider.

Dial w-5 WANTED SALESMEN NATIONALLY KNOWN firm handling exclusive line of school material has position tpen In your community with car, or man with educational sales experience. Par-y tor wUl earn up I' 60 work- Write full details of paat experience to Mr. R. C. Anderson.

Iowa Supervisor. (12 Candler Kansas City. Missouri. 10-7x PORK WANTED FEMALE WANTED-Housework and care of children. Dial 4798.

WORK WANTED MALE AMERICAN. ORIENTAL. French SJi. fktn lob- Restaurant. Address OP Presa-Citixen.

lo-iox WANTED WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Tablea and chairs for tav-ern use. Lone Tree Meat Market Jim 10-7x wnn clothing. Also buy men's clothing. 4975. u-i WANTED-A1I kinds junk.

497b! 10-ltf Mens clothing, shoes'; shoe repairing. Dial $609. July gtf HA (JI.ING HAULING. ashes, rubbish 3oc up. lo-ai ASHES.

RUBBISH H.ullng Dial 1-141 1 WOOL tTAPZ "ntinued ery slow fat the Boston wool market todar. but nrw. wool If" eurrent dullness. Fine wools 5 rw7'vln occasional mquirlea, but wools were moatlv eiS.V. nBeT "lea of i blood Rowing immaturity Washington Russet Burbanks U.

I No. I. showing derav 2.00: eomblna- I ion 2 00 Colomdf-MeC4iirefll-4 No. 1. eotton sacks washed 2.25-30: burlap sacks 2.20; unwashed 2.05-15 Brown Beauties v.

S. No. 1, 1.B0; Ne-1 braska Bliss Triumphs V. S. No.

1 and partly traded 2.00; Wisconsin cobblers and-round whites-g. 8. Wn. ir l.W-70: Hal ity I 4-ViiOr urn-lassified 1.41-45: U. S.

No. 2. 1.00-10: Wisconsin robblers and round whites S. No. 1.

l.BO-70; fair nualitv 1.55: 1 1 Nort Dakota eollers U. S. graded 1.60: Early Ohios unclassified CHICAGO (API Poultry, live 3 car. 31 trucks, hens easier, springs and diii-ks firm: hens V. lbs up 17'.

less than 4V lbs T.ephorn hens 12; springs 4 lbs up Plymouth and Whit" R.iek 16. eolored 14' less than 4 lbs Plvmnuth Rofk is, Whit- 14: colored 13; Plymouth and White Rock broilers-16. colored 15: bareback chit kens 12: Leghorn chickens 12'-s: roosters 14. Leghorn roosters 13; hen turkeys 19 tflms 18: No. 2 turkeys lfi: old ducks 4S lbs up l.i1: young white ducks lbs up 1S1.

youne cohired l.1. small white d'icks 15i, small A.V'l.Tulfe.m rrPRm.n. Hartals (33 woro. 32'4-; pxtrn ii 31: xtr firsts siandalds 'ttl central ied Kks 4.701. firm; extra firsts local cars 27: fresh graded firsts local 2S V.

cars 26 current receipts. 2: refrigerator standards 2513. refrigera- tor extras 2tv NEW YORK (API- Reg. firm. Mixed colors: Special iv'ks 21-I 34: standards 2 firsts 2S- me.

diums No. 1. rivemiro 'chv-ks 2-22: 22-'; 21'-: refrisrerators. special packs g7'3 standards firsts chei'ks )-It Butter, 3 93l. iimf-r.

Creamer v. higher than extra extra 192 32-33: firsts scow 3i-32: fnTizfil 'VO 1 033: quiet. State, whole mi'k frsh. fancv. 19'-2.

NEW TOP.K--IAPJ Live poultry stea'iy weak: hy freisrb' chicken ks 17-i't. mixed with 1 a lt: fowls- col.ire-i 19-22: IX- STOCK. PRICES TAKE-UPSWING NEW YOP.K 1 API Hesitat- order to selected only absorb momentarily profit taking. st 01 ks today resumed their march 'into new recovery territory. With the domestic economic outlook as bright as ever, early offerings were absorbed quite easily.

The action of Italy in joining the other currency-cutting countries was seen in banking quarters as another step toward stabilization and was not considered bearish. The trading pace was fast at the start with the ticker tape falling in arrears for a while. The volume dwindled a bit sulisequently and many of the leaders partly retraced their advances. In the upswing a number of new year tops were established. Ahead 2 to 3 points near the final hour were Westinghouse, Allied Chemical, Chesapeake and Ohio, International Paper Prefer- red and Norfolk and Western.

i Transfers were around 1,850,000 shares. 1 r-8 i i I I I i i 1 i 1 rnr.n.jLiiiu.1 U3urseAccouningw Business Law. Federal Taxation. Bus-lr emeus Mathemitk-a. "Lock Box" 6O0 Iowa placement cattle 25 lower: grass cows and heifers steady to 23 low -rr; lower grades getting action at 1 least decline; best fed yearling steers 10.35: 1,304 lb offerings 10.00: hardly enough weighty steers sold, however: vcalers strong and active with! bulls strong to shade higher; veal- ers scarce, strong and active with selects up to 11 00; mostly 10.00- 10.50: sausage hulls 5 S5 down.

Sheen 25.000. Including 10.000 I direct: fat iambs weak to 25 low- closinsr at full decline: most natives top 915 to out-; 8 55-75: medium to good slaughter ewes 2.50-75; feeding lambs 615-: 7.75 mostly: few downward to 5.40 and below choice blackfaces scarce. Iowa Ho's Prices Steady to Higher ed h'S yard's located tr- MOIXE3 i API -Combin-rereipts at 21 concentration an i nine packing plants sr. interior Iowa and for the 4S hour at" 8 a were compared with 18.700 a week and 12.500 a year ago MosMy steady to 5c hizher. spots 10" over Saturday: tra.le io-ier- actLvei.

r. rnial, juotatior.s good and choice 7.40-S70: Kght -weights. tb giJ and choice 7.40-8.70: light -weights 160-1V0 ibs 45-9 50: 1S0-200 ibs 6.25-95; 200-220 ihs 9.70-10 10; lh heavy weights 25-2f-in lbs S.65-1020: 2WI-350 lbs 9 pa'kinz sows 275-350 lbs good 8 350-425 lbs 8 25-75; 423- 550 lbs 8.00-50. MASON C'TT- stVadv lirht. 140-ivi lbs 73-7 03: vnoi ihs 7 butchers.

9 2-a. 2Ti-220 lbs tnot packers. SVl lbs giO.t TO: S.V)-425 lh 8.10-140 WATERLOO Hoes ttoi'lv ru hc-K-' 140-1W lbs 7 0fl-3O: ISO. isn lbs 'T60-9f-. I5fl-170 Ibs 8 1.V4S: 170-iwi ib S.V: ttw 9 20-Vi: isn-o 11.4 4A.70: 2.n-220 Ibs 9.60-90: 220-271 lb "9 70-10 270-290 'b 9WI-90: Ibs 9.4i-70: S2V3W I ha 9 10-40: Hacking' "sows 275-W Ibs 8 S0-S0; 3.S0-425 lbs 8 20- 425-fK) Ibs 8 00-30 500-530 lbs 7.70- 8 0" OTTTMWA Hogs steady to 19c Mgher.

140-lsn bs 7.35-7.65: 150-160 rv. 7 tj-g lso-irn lbs 8 35-S 65: 170- i lis 8 18H-2f lbs lbs 220-250 Ibs 9.75-10 05 Ibs 9 55-9 85: 770-290 Ihs 9 4V9 75- 290-325 lbs 9 325-S50 8 8.V9 15- 350-40(1 lbs 8 60-8 90: oack-'s Ibs 8 60-8 90; lbs 8 30-8 ff: 425-500 lbs 8.00-8.30 5T0-5o0 lb 7.7i8.00. i I in" ,0 re me last wm ant! Testament keMm.m. iwrf, VV TPTtywaW" Friday FiARLEY Tier LARD (Vt De- Jan Mch Dec Jan S0'-- II 11 60 11 50 11 70 13 7 .11 60 doll 67 1 1 S2 ",2 11 S2 11 -X r.ish Grain CHICAGO (APi Cash wheat No. 1 hard 1.21s,; Xo 2 hard 1.19.

Corn-No. 5 mixed 104; No. yellow l.07's-l-0:' lake -blllingl 1.07,i: No. 2 yellow l.OTU; No. 3 yellow 1.06: lake hilling 1 07; Nn 4 yellow 1 Xo.

5 yellow 1.04-05; No. 3 white 117: sample1 grade 02. Oats No. 2 mixed 44: No. 1 white 45s; -46V: No.

2 white 44.i-45; lake billing 44-4414: No. 2 white restricted billing 43: saniple grade Rye N'Qsale Soy beans No. 2 yeiiow 1.20. Barley No. 3 Illinois 1.32; feed' 175-85 nominal; 1 nominal.

malting 5J'5-4Q0--Cwt new 6 ou-ii cwT. Clover seed 17.50-24.50 c'wt. Youth Sentenced For Manslaughter, Result of Crash COUNCIL BLUFFS (AP) Lawrence Johnson. 20. convicted last week of manslaughter in the death of Roy W.

Bogardus, was sentenced today by District Judge Ernest Miller to not more than eight years in the reformatory at Anamosa. Bogardus suffered fatal injuries in a collision be-1 tween his car and one driven by Johnson on August 11th. CEDAR RAPIDS HOGS CEDAR RAPIDS (AP) Good hogs 150-160 lbs 7.65-95; 160-170 lbs 8.25-55; 170-180 lbs 8.75-9.05; 180-190 lbs 9.30-60; 190-200 lbs 9.50-80; 200-220 lbs 9.65-95; 220-270 lbs 9.75-10.05; 270-290 lbs 9.65-9.95; 290-325 lbs 9.40-70; 325-350 lbs 9.10-40; good packers 275-350 lbs 8.55-85; 350-425 Ibs 8.25-55; 425-500 lbs 7.85-8.15; 500-550 lbs 7.55-75. SfcU. -15tf FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Five room modern house, garage.

2 large lots. Abundance nf frti I v.n,in. nrt nown balance Mcy SGir. I bcrt. lo-s F0R IMKOIATE SAI.E-Nic.

large lioiiic close an enrner lot. double-ga- I food investment. Priced to sell Quickly. Write Ethel Cook, High School. Mason City.

Iowa. 10-7 1 mD'Blt KainBe. i acres, paved street. i eiairi uuii-reni Kinas OI I fruit. Inquire 1730 aluscatine avenue.

Dial 58R8. 9-2Rtf FOR SALE Nearly new six room hous. J47M Sam Whiting. 10-Sx. FOR SALE Home.

good location. 10-21 319 E- Davenport. FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE Lot. Coralville Heights. $275 cash.

Dial 5SS9. 9-2Stf FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE Farms with 1300 to 12000 down payments, possession March first. Iowa Land Co. 600 Johnson County Bank Building. 10-g FOR SALE Level Improved 60 acres S8.400.

Sam Whiting. Jr. 10-Rj FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE or Trade-Real eatateTs' R. P.anshaw. 6370.

11-Ix MERCHANDISE HOME FURNISHINGS APPLL1NCES AND SERVICE FOR SALE Dining room suite. Universal range, laundry stove, kerosene heater, dressers. Hoosier cabinet, gasoline stove, ail kinds of furniture. Ill E. Burlington.

10-8 FOR SALE Antiques. Dial 6196. 10-g FOR SALE Child's bed. wtte. small table, three chairs, rug.

a Call evenings 10-6 SALE Extra good value la used and kerosene cook stove. Gadd Hardware. FOR SALE Air tight wood heaters. Priced as low aa $2.8 each. Gadd Hardware.

10-5 FOR SALE Three burner oil stove. Dial 91SS. 10-i FOR SALE Ray Boy Circulating heaters. Two sixes. Two beautiful finish.

Gadd Hardware. 10-i FOR SALE Davenport 15, radio $10. bed $3. Dial 4403. Fhtlro lu- S'y- 10-24 PRIVATE SCHOOLS CLASSES IN LIP READING on Fri- afternoon at fast Matt nyHt4 niTni 01 x-sycnoioy.

airs. Hortcnse B. Gray. 1930 Park Avenue. Cedar 10-8 FOR LESSONS in contract bridge 10-24 call 2489.

Mrs. Scott. KLINCAUAN HOME School Nurs-J ery school, daily 9 to 12 A. M. Agea I to S.

Tutoring. Grades 1 to 6. noura arranged. )ln. JIaida Kllngaman.

Mrs. Mary Sproatt. Dial 274S. 10-1 INSURANCE FOR SALE Fire, tornado, automobile Insurance. J.

H. Brooke. 9-ltf LAO DRV WAITED Laundry. Dial 500. 10-12 AXTEU Laundr) teed.

Dial 9323. Work guaran-lu-5 REAL ESTATE FOR REMKOOMS FOR RENT Comfortable aleeping rooms. Central Hotel. 9-ltf FOR RF.XT -Newit furnished i Ing room, business girls preferred $10 for one $1S for two. 2310.

10-10x FOR RENT Room. 933. close Dial 10-10 FOR RENT R-wm, Dial 3512. 9-29tf FOR RENT Larga double room for girls. (573.

S-29ti FOR RENT Newly furnished moms. 107 N. Clinton. 10-fix FOR RENT Large front room nicely furnished. 410 N.

Van Buren. t-I7tf I 1 i ty. deceased, will come on for hearing before the DwtrKt Court lor the proof and admission of same to probate. Dated at Iowa City. Iowa.

October 3. 1936 R. N. Miller. 1 let Ilistrict Court Dutihcr.

Rica I butcher. Attorneys. Oct. 5 YOU CAN QUALIFY ro LOAN If YOU CAN MAX! (ICUIAI MONTHIY PAYMENTS NO INDOKStKS OH SMATV ASSIGNMENTS toast otm mods to ing! parsons 01 wall os tarrld couplot oft fursinsro. autes or plain nor.

30 months to ropav-Loans Made to Farmer IOWA CITY omcf Suio 305. 130H E. Wo.hingtoa St Comor Dabnqua Stroot nonoi 4727 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPOItAitON Amrria RmmlfU Ftmnrtzp-ntn EDGAR A. Gl't-T in UVirraM mt bHEHLOCK HOLMSm KwktH 1 i The aircraft carrier. U.

S. S. 'Lang ley. was the first electrically-driven ship in the American navy. SALE Boston puppies.

"Dial FOR (872..

Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.