Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

WEDXKSIUY, OCTOIIKIt 1920 I I I I I'AUK NJ.NH Hcndricks, Cincy Manager, Criticizes Tuesday Fray-- Gives St. Louis Big Edge. By JACK ol the Cladneitl Hedf) Kt! Loal. Oct. (V.

I'ltchlcs tT ilalnrt ind bit hone ran. a hit tbst no one opccted or on. Ibe St. lab the third ot the World -at them In a where It tetmi tor them tu lotM the thasiplOBihlp. ot tu one la anJ with more pltcbcri waiting tn work thin the Yankera hate.

I wouldn't be iurprlied to the cmlrd with two more Any man wha kcowi anrthlc; about ball tot a tile kick cat ot thlt Farce that Ilalnw pitched. Kite limn he worrlfd and put the first Yanlie latter on base and Dot a Yankee run- ter ret as far as third base. The Yankee la-i'M wobbUd In the most critical place. la the fourth IncIcK with ose doable and a rare double pla? In hanil. Mark Kce- tlr.

taking a -throw troai Lazierl, threw 'the tall before he had a cixxl told on It and failed it Cfhris. on a baj boucce. llalres thea came BJI and loftfd one into the rirht CcJ 4 stands- tor a homer. I ffmcmbtr ot llalnes being ron- i i a dangerous batter bat he Just manacid to pet hoM ut that OEC and Lc lollid It Into the crowd. From what I heard.

Hoyt Is tart- to pitch for the Yankees In the fourth game and Hint Ithem Is being ricked as th SL Jxtuli I'itcher. but 1 1 ucdt-ritand that ItOKers Ilcrr.ilir is rcrjr fond of Heinhart and may call upon him. So far in lh thc liaie been dolce all thc hustllcs. ihtr have been taking advantage ot ll I tltaiim batk at luck Sew Yitk CUuls grU wUli tlcturr uirr llanlunl. the corporal cot Into liilccar ft thc motorcycle anil thc Iroc-rcti and himicli Item thc niU rijr.

There Hit a f.aili ol nickel in the c.i:i|r, at ttie define car. lulling it, ionic o( uliicli tool: cllcct in llie car. In part 2 of the county ci'Utt ecu dueled tiy ccirtity then In-o thoti rinj; out and bullets I'cter ii( whined by. he testified. tti'Ci'-jtonn, of a i'( cri fired into air and the car i ill pace.

down the a a a i I i 15 Vein for Car Theft ai Jt l( rnllll NOT SO MANY FROM SOUTH Railroad Passenger Traffic to Florida From Dunkirk Lighter Than Last Year. naving scrica lime in UT a similar cifTriuc. He a Mr. (iiltunay who and legal lilts. The testimony rl the wai a i to Ibc ca'e." along practically the Ime.

Tiorrtr Martin tint the f.rit liy ofricers i mrney-sarln in the air ar.d aflir ihst find paper. --Head lie ads. You'll fled many opportunities In ttdat's cf i florUj rltlzeni. r'-)' in nr months tiny nlllliju'reror, rt-il fioni the wont tITfcts nf thi' s'crm. I'mli bly the ol i i i i ils llors will putpnn.

1 th. south fn 4 month or luo. Witnesses in Case Against John Could Describe Thrilling Chase in Main Road. State Federation Heads Gather to Discuss Subjects of Mutual Interest With Local Agents. A larpe aitr cf local insur- from all parts Chau- present at thc ferer.cc of state federation authorities with the local nun at which subjects cf mutual ff.tfrc*: v.ttc discussed.

The meeting was arrayed by llic county of local Leonard Saunders, executive secretary of the Insurance Federation of the Slate of York. Albany; Wtll 1'ederaiion of of the State Koch- eitfi; and I'rcd XoTel, a director thc iar.ie tte Thc York State Association cf Local Insurance was represented by Macl'herfon. president; J. Kotc, secretary and treasurer. and Mr.

Doschcr. assistant sec tary and treasurer. The racMf had lanchern si the elub at and lhe nueling eitcndcd throughout the afternoon. UNIV. OF ILLINOIS EACKrIELD DUBBED THE -FOUR MULES" Ill, Oct.

passlcj: ot ha brought a quartet (Elo the whirh may rlial the fasxd Tour llcrscaca" cf Xotre Ilace. The rew IllinnU haekfieid. I'j "Trosty" I'etcri. I and Tlaa has bern dnbbrd th the play of each hack tarri-s a slitt "kick." FREOONIA MASONl HONORED DY LODCE It. of taaed ai dinrlct deriMj rrasd i for ITtautauqu district trtrred it the ct Kori-jt 5 sla Tuesday lhrr.U£h tae rru.r.tat!cn e.f a arnn ar.d a i earrjUs ease.

The irtsotallrn was cjJ. s. rait IcOn-. itayiille. lct.

6-- The trial of John Could of Chicago, on a of assault in the degree, started on yesterday in court this rr.oniiiiK with indication that it may l.e the. hinds of thc jury before the day oier. GouM i James McCIcllln i jointly inilicttil. were granted separate trials by (Jttaivay cm reiiuest of attorney. Robert 1'.

Gallo.iay of Sil.tr Trerk. District Attorney Glcun is prosecuting the case. two defendants are accused inK at Thief jf I'olire IMivard Cranston of and Corporal and Martin of the state police, of thc of early August 10. (Jould arrd ct-n ly the tlirtc. io a car alleged to have been stolen and v.ere inilci ly the in their thc running battle vviun thc i-ursucd car to a halt in a ilitcli Kiplcy.

Kcee. fur cipht years mcml-er of ihe police force. sivore he (loulcl as a man n'lio in 19J4 was sentenced at Ituffain. under thc name of K'vevis on a charge of crand larceny in the second decree. He said also thc rr-an was Lmmn Dr.

fi. G. a den- list he uxvnrd a small coupe which was stf'Ien in HutTalo on or about and uliich later was idcntiStd liy at as lhe stolen in ItufTalo. This car was identified by the police and troopers at the ear Gould and McCldlan were using in their unsuccessful dash Kiplcy. Ex-Dunkirk Cop Figures Gecrpe T.

Walters, a former Dunkirk and later in thc police service in Westfitld, on the morning of the qun bailie, told of sccinp: a pasting and thought lie heard bottles rattle. He rioted that the rear plate turned up so the numbers could ru-t be read. Chief Cranston and the troopers were mar and he told them he Ihoucht tlic car should be investigated and it was on that the three I after the car. o( these three gate testimony, Chief Describe! Chase Chief of I'ltlfce I'divard Cranston ivas called, lie inld sumiinj; the corner and linn of thr chase. (V.rporal U'tJcittt nas in hit car and Marlin ahead cf on lhe Trooper Marlin hailed thc coupe- jujt at WrKAtld liirili and n-at altost In hij machine when the car uas put in gear and moved toward thc trooper.

out as thc machine sjtd on. thc way He stated GOOD ADVICE ON STUBBORN COUGHS End Tlxm in IS rf a diooTrrril at thr mtakt onsii: tbr that hins va tr t-'ff f.f fir ti nr harmful tircrf. IhrtrrTn TNnloc. If rr- In c. 11 i i i i i 4 i i i i i i i i Matr l.

ini i inline--riiniiiti: nr uii.i. Tl- IV. 'f X. it V. il All-trl Olttrctr.

arr. N. V. I inr mar al Unr jr-t lu rjit AT.r* tnXft'i-p. cn-l ri.il A Js- Ulr In I I I 1 ar-t T.

up-! aar aJ all o.itr.l.r mar 1- at arM i.f 'M. I'allirk. In lUWl.l all rl. I I I N-i'irKr. at af-t in It f.

i Ital i t-f r.t'.|*r.«» ar. i a V.ill kla latt nth IM la IS, I a f.rfw.l I I Xai.li=' Mail t.f Tctk IIIJj. i i n.i_t»-jT:a at tr Ctam- l.ai frf-Lal' T-T-. ir-. fo-jftii yj.

la tn 1:1 I i ttt I'jti ifk. i p'tK- cii.ti t- V.i'I MM .,1 1 i 1 .1 a 4 I jn.r i ar- IUT.MI". .1. 1-1 at. I i i r-i- it f.lr I ta.

t.l f. V. i V. i. I tr i i.

fti'f i ar t.ttal a i i i i 7 II. -t Jf.trt. I.INO.I.'v a i T. it -rf In T'. II- i Ttm.

ai ivt.tr. tn fit wtlJ. Ii. I-AR-CI. t( Cittbcat T.

i. 1 litakiil, to compare the Chrysler "60" with an ordinary type of Six is like trying to compare two totally different things. TRYING There can be no comparative measure of value, for instance, between the Chr' er with its siity-rnilc-and- more-pcr-hour capacity, and another car offering much less. Just cs sharply defined is thc'diffcrcnce in the comfort of these sixty Chrysler- miles and the lesser speed and the less easeful speed of thc other. The vital factor which makes nreatcr value in Chrysler "(XT has its source in the-one-thing-which-cannot-be- copicd--Chrysler crc-tire engineering and precision manufacturing as' expressed in the plan of Standardized Quality.

In the Chrysler "60" it expresses itself especially in qualities which stand nut so sharply that you cannot mistake them--the most beautiful fiding and handling qualities yoii have ever experienced, a most amazing agility, and a Rushing wealth of power that never halts or hesitates for a single second. er. lifeanjqaalitr. Rnnmr. Icruri-ra Vxlin mlth Iirtctitul mohtlr uphoLicTr la eixkMnl Attractive Dew rolcr bxnnceki.

Sittjr cites, toj incrr. rxr bour. I.lcLtcicJ actYkntion. f( 22 Dilestfi the csitoiL Cliaraetrmtic ChrriUr ucxrtceu beauty, rbraoairaal ruiiaje me. Crytler tour-vbctl hidnutle bnkea.

Oil Ctier and rrrsscre Uteicxriofi. Serm Irapuko rtectnliier. MuuloU hnt n-olrcL Kiotl leielitm. tnd rm. Ibe crw LtMrr ii Cbrrikr tho Sil ctcr built bich coizXiocl all time fine or CHRYSLERW- C1HIYSLER Touring Car, 11075; Cluo.Couf*-, II TtaaJitrT (u-JA rumUe inil), Coodi, Srdan, 1129! Trt BARNES CENTRAL AVENUE.

PHONE 3312 BIG MONEY SAVING TIRE AND TUBE SALE All Sizes Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires at Greatly Reduced Prices Reg. Firestone Gunj-Dippcd Cord 29x4.40 FulI-Siic Fircitono Balloon 30 OldficIJ Fabric 29 4.40 OIJficH Balloon $8.45 SI 3.95 S7.55 These are the Greatest Tire and Tube Values we have ever offered car owners. All new fresh stock at prices you pay for ordinary tires. Buy now while the sale is on. FOR ELECTRICAL VULCANIZING ALL MAKES AND SIZES OF TIRES Eagle Garage Tire Service Phone 4004 JOSEPH SCAVONA 53 E.

Fronl Si. FEDERAL MARKET CO. With Quality Cash Store, 337 Central Avenue Thursday 'and Friday at Living Prices Sugar-Cured, Donclesi, Rolled, Homespun 23c Rib or Rump Cuts Open-Keltic Rendered, Gov'l-Inspcctcd, Pure 2 IBS. 31c-LA8B-2 IBS. 31c With Meal Purchases Machine-Sliced, No-Rind, Sugar-Cured IB.

39c Nice, Young, Tender I. 29c Genuine, Western, Baby-Beef STiAKS, 29c Selected, Lean, English Cut 29c Fresh, Homc'Madc, Pure SAUSAGE, LB. 28c flUALITY CASH STORES, Inc. House Cleaning SPECIALS Scrub Brushes (Rice Root) 20c Brooms, tfood quality 63c Ammonia, quart bottles 33c Sapolio, cake lOc Kitchen Cleanser, can 9c Bowlcne, can 20c Ammo Ammonia Powder, can lOc Bon-Ami, per cake lOc NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERIES Fruit Vegetables Old Cheese, New Chccic, Collage Cheese THBEE STORES III DUNKIRK Main Slrccl 337 Central Avc. 539 Deer Slrcel Telephone 212 I 2253 Telephone 2123 Free Delivery This Is the Way You Can Show Your Friends How Well You Look Wilh Your Hair Bobbed SEND THEM A NEW PICTURE OF YOURSELF MADE BY I I THE fLLOBE QTUDIO 1 JL I Dunkirk, N.

Y. jj 315 Main St. Bert Amidcll Dt the Ads Before You Go Shopping.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.